My Hero, My Mate

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A/N: This is my newest story, I might not upload again for a while but its depending on if I watch a lot more YouTube video's. If you're wondering what that means, I search up things on YouTube and when they are loading type more of the story. I don't know why, I've just been in a YouTube frenzy, always searching up new hairstyles and make up tutorials, if you can guess, I love putting my hair up, and like putting make up on but really just go for a natural look. I searched on eBay an eye shadow kit and hoping I get the 188 set of eye shadow, fingers crossed!

Okay, enough of my blabbering. I hope I get a good response to this story cause it would mean so much to me, if I get a good response I will try and upload weekly but it depends on how much I watch YouTube!

So tell me what you think!!!

The beautiful cover on the side is by AyshaKhatun, thank you so much for the cover! Also my new cover is by the same person, and the next ten or so covers I will post on my chapters!

Chapter 1

Dawn's POV

Since I was a little girl I had been abused, unloved and treated like a slave. Growing up was worse, after my tenth birthday I was sent to do more things, clean more places, cook more meals or snacks, do everyone's chores. Life was different for me, I had to mature at a young age, I didn't have many friends, but the ones I did never hung out with me because I was always locked inside my house or learning more things at school. I couldn't play dress ups or have tea parties, I never played tag or learnt how to play football, instead I was in my house, doing all the things and more that maids are meant to do, learning how to cook a new meal, where to put my mothers or sisters things, and finding out which brand was the best for cleaning, then having to shop for it and the groceries.

The worse thing was that if I didn't do it right I would get slapped, kicked, punched, pull of the hair, fingernails dug into my skin, knocked down the stairs and choked. Even if I was sick I was forced into cleaning, which is why I never told anyone I was sick, if they found out I would have to stay home all day and clean the house.

No one knew what happened at my home, only my family members which were the ones torturing me. At first I started to hide myself at school, sink into the back ground and pull myself out of everyone's life. At first my friends were worried about me, I just told them I wasn't feeling well. Of course, though, after a week of that excuse they started to inspect me and my behaviour, coming up clueless. After three months of me pushing everyone away they all gave up, let me have the alone time I needed.

I've been a loner for four years now, covering up as best I can, wearing baggy, long pants, a gigantic, loose top with a Hoddie covering it. Underneath all those clothes I'm Emo, wearing the long sleeves has its advantages, like: it covers up the scars and the raw scratches I've made from cutting, covering the bruises that my mother or step dad make when they abuse me. All these clothes make no one see the flesh underneath, the bones, my ribs, cause that's all I am, literally skin and bone.

I know I'm going to die soon, maybe a year or two but no longer then three years. But the thing is, I know that I'm going to be the reason for my death, I know that I'm going to commit suicide. My family are the ones who have pressured me, stressed me out, made me feel rejected and unwelcome. It's pretty sad though, I'm only seventeen, most likely dying at eighteen years of age. Though if I don't commit suicide I'm going to die another way, from starvation and dehydration. My mother barely feeds me, actually not at all. I have to sneak out at one in the morning to get the food I need for the next day. Last time I checked, I weighed 33kg, and that was only a month ago! I know I have lost more weight since then as my usual meals are an apple for breakfast, no lunch but a couple sips of water, and a slice of bread with ham on it and the rest of my water for dinner, no snacks in between my meals.

My Hero, My Mate (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now