Epilogue ~ The End

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Epilogue ~ The End

So, here is the looooonng awaited end to this story. I will be honest and say that this is one of my favorites. And, ideally I will be making a sequel in the near future. However, I do have an Austin Carlile/Alan Ashby book I want to write, as well as my Tony Perry book. 

The day of the wedding. 

"I don't think I can do this," I mutter, looking at myself in the mirror. "Ben, take me home. I don't want to be here." 

"Alexandria Fuentes, I will carry you to the alter if I have to. You are not going to back out now," Ben says, coming up behind me and setting his hands on my shoulders. "You waited two years after getting engaged to even begin planning this bloody wedding. You are not going to back out now. It's a bit late for that."

"How about postponing? That's realistic." 

"You have people here from Australia and from the UK. Do you want to refund all their flights?" 

I groan, throwing my head against him. 

"You have two minutes before you're supposed to be walking down the aisle, everybody else is already in line. You need to get your little ass out there before I have to call reinforcements in." 

I rolled my eyes, grabbing my heels and sliding them on before walking into the hallway. "Jaime's at the alter, Tony and Erin are in place. So are Vic and Danielle. And Mike and Alysha. Ben, why aren't you where you're supposed to be?" 

"Calm down, I'm heading there now, I just had to get you out of your room. Now, I'll see you at the alter." 

I roll my eyes, walking over to where my group of people have gathered. "Are you ready, sis?" Mike asks, "I mean, I can drive the getaway car." 

"Michael!" Alysha says, "He is joking, Alex. I swear to god, Mike." 

"Let's just get this thing started," I mutter, standing next to Papa and watching as everyone gets in position. 

The music starts to play, Erin and Tony start to walk out, followed by Vic and Danielle, and then Mike and Alysha. 

I turned to papa, "are you ready?" 

"Oh, dear, this isn't about me being ready, it's about you being ready." 

I bite my lip and put on a smile, listening as the music changes and I start to walk, worried that I'll end up tripping in my heels. But everything changes when I see Jaime standing at the alter, waiting for me. He has the biggest, brightest smile that I have ever seen etched on his face. 

I get to the alter and stand with papa, waiting to be given over to Jaime. 

The minister asks everyone to be seated then begins, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Jaime Preciado and Alexandria Fuentes in holy matrimony, which is an honorable estate, that is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently and soberly.  In this estate these two persons present come now to be joined. If any one can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.

"Who gives this woman to be wed to this man?" 

Papa speaks up, removing my attention from Jaime for a split second, "My wife and I do." 

"Now, let us begin with the vows," the minister says once I have been given to Jaime. 

"Well," Jaime starts, "Alex, god, I never expected to be doing this with you of all people. You've been one of my best friends since we formed Pierce The Veil all those years ago. You've been a constant supporter for me, and you've been there whenever I have needed someone. 

"You were there for me through break ups, through terrible choices, through everything. And I love you for that, Lex. I really do, with everything that I am. You're my inspiration in life now. You make me happy, and I pray that I make you as happy as you make me. You have the power to make me smile even when there is nothing in me that thinks theres a reason to smile. 

"I could lie and say our relationship is perfect, make our life seem like something right out of a Disney story. But, as said before, that would be a blunt lie. We've had a lot of hardships, both in our relationship and before. We fought so much before the relationship, and during as well. We lost a baby.  But at the end of the day, we always find a way to make it through. 

"So, here is my promise to you, Alexandria. I'm going to try everything that I can to make you happy. I will be there for you day and night, even while on tour. I will always be a phone call away, no matter the time differences. And I swear on everything that I have to love you, and to keep you as happy and I can." 

I smile, wiping a tear from the corner of my eye. "Dammit, Hime. I wasn't going to cry.

"I never thought we'd get this far. This all started with a little bit of alcohol on Warped tour, what, three or four years ago? I'm amazed by this. We had so many things against us in the beginning, I mean, hell, I took an impromptu trip to the UK for two weeks when we first started dating. 

"So many times people say that they're marrying their best friend, but this is the absolute truth for me today, Hime. You've been my best friend since I met you. 

"I know that these are supposed to be happy, lovey-dovey. They aren't supposed to focus on anything bad, but who would I be to keep everything light? Yes, we did lose a child, our unborn daughter, but that doesn't matter. That doesn't change anything. We can have a kid or two, maybe even three. We can have as many as our hearts desire. Yes, we fight a lot. And sometimes it feels like the only option would be to walk away, but we hold on. And we always make it through. 

"I love you, Jaime, you're my guy. You're who I want standing by me whenever things start to feel too rough for me. I am wiling to put all of my faith into our love. 

"God, Jaime, I can't even comprehend how I feel right now. It's crazy, the fact that there are over a million words I know, in two languages even, but I cannot fathom putting any together to tell you how I feel about you, right in this moment."

The minister smiles, and takes the rings from Ben before turning back towards the crowd, "The wedding ring is the outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual bond which unites two loyal hearts in endless love. It is a seal of the vows Jaime and Alexandria have made to one another. May she and he, who give them, and who wear these rings, live together in unity, love and happiness for the rest of their lives. 

"Do you, Jaime, take Alexandria to be your lawfully wedded wife and live together forever in the estate of holy matrimony? Do you love, comfort, honor, and keep her in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for better or for worse, as long as you both shall live?" 

"I do." 

"Do you, Alexandria, take Jaime to be your lawfully wedded husband and live together forever in the estate of holy matrimony? Do you love, comfort, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for better or for worse, as long as you both shall live?" 

"I do." 

"Please repeat after me," he says, turning to Jaime and handing him one of the rings, "with this ring, I thee wed." 

"With this ring," Jaime says, sliding the ring onto my finger, "I thee wed." 

"Alexandria," the minister says, handing me the other ring. 

I take Jaime's hand, sliding the ring on, "with this ring, I thee wed." 

"What god had joined together, let no man put asunder. With the power vested in my by God and the state of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." 

Jaime smiles at me before taking a step forward, swinging me down and kissing me. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Alberto Preciado." 

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