Chapter Three Resolutions

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Chapter Three Resolutions

Here's the third chapter. I hope you all enjoy, 💗

Later that same morning, after the realization of what happened.

"Lex," someone says, shaking me to wake me up. I rolled over, smiling as I opened my eyes, them meeting with Tony's. "I'm hungry, I figured you might wanna come with me."

"Yeah, will you hand me my jeans?" I ask, sitting up and stretching. Smiling as Tony hands me my jeans, not rushing me to make it to the catering.

"What happened last night, Lex? I heard you up late crying," Tony asked.

I knew that if I told him the truth, that Jaime and I slept together, he'd make me tell Vic. "Brian broke up with me," I say, knowing I won't cry anymore over him, and that the truth about that will come out eventually.

"I'm sorry, let's go get food, it'll do you some good," Tony says, taking my hand in his and leading me out of the back lounge.

I grab the hairbrush from my bunk, quickly pulling my hair up into a ponytail. I didn't care if I looked good or not, I didn't plan on leaving the bus after this, other than for the set later today. I didn't need to talk to people, and I didn't need to be seen. I wasn't in the band, and I know most people wouldn't know I existed if it weren't for me being the 'little Fuentes'.

"Have you told Mike or Vic yet?" he asks, leading me towards the catering tent.

I shook my head, "I haven't yet. I don't think Vic will care all too much, honestly. With Mike I'm afraid that he'll want to beat the shit out of Brian."

"Polar opposites, those two," Tony says, shaking his head. "You've got a brother who tries to father you, but knows nothing about your life; then you've got the one who cares, and can only speak his mind when it involves violence, or alcohol."

We walked into the tent getting in line, "I don't know which is better though. It'll be nice not having to answer all sorts of questions with Vic, but I love that Mike actually cares."

"Everything's gonna work out, Vic never stays mad for too long, and he's already been mad for longer than normal."

"Mike threatened to leave the band if Vic didn't apologize to me."

"Mike wouldn't have left. This band means too much to him," Tony says, his voice unsure. He said the sentence to encourage me, but his voice was full of worry.

We sat down, facing each other. "Mike couldn't leave the band. I don't think he'd have anything else to do with his life, and I don't want to support him for the rest of his life."

Tony smiles, taking a bite of his food, dropping the conversation. "Have you, uh, have you talked to Jaime?" I ask, knowing my voice came out scared. Jaime and Tony were close, and I don't know if they talked since last night.

"Not today; he was still asleep when I woke you up," he says, "why?"

"I don't know if I should tell you," I say, I don't know how Tony would react, "uhm, I guess him and Jessica are done," I say, my voice coming out strained. I knew that if Tony looked into it he'd be able to tell that was a lie, but I was hoping he'd just assume it was because of the Brian thing.

"What happened? I swear I won't tell Jaime you told me," he says, his voice trailing off, thinking of Erin, most likely.

"She cheated, and she's pregnant with the other guys kid. He found out yesterday, and he told me last night. He told me after I told him about Brian. We had vodka and whiskey which may have also added to why he told me," I said, shrugging it off like it was nothing. Last night wasn't nothing.

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