Chapter Four It's a Truce

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Chapter Four It's a Truce

Here's the chapter I'm sure a lot of you are excited about. VIC AND ALEX ARE MAKING UP TO DAY. Haha, it's been kinda hard to write Vic as a bad guy. Tbh. So, here I am at two in the morning in a Bears sweatshirt, writing for you (and for me tbh cause i luh vic so much). So, yeah, I'm working on another story. NOT SO SURPRISING since I can't be content with only one story at a time. It's a Tony story. He needs love.

The next morning, Jaime, Tony, and Mike are all out hanging with other bands. Vic's asleep, and Alex in in the lounge.

I sat in the lounge, a laptop open in front of me displaying the lyrics from a song that Ben wanted me to learn so that we could play it together, he wanted to start playing with me over Skype, even after he was back in the UK. I wouldn't object though, I loved Ben, in the completely innocent way that I love Mike.

I shut the laptop, picking up the guitar and starting to play the first song that came to mind. "You used to make me feel like I could walk on water
Now most nights I'm just sinking down and down
You're the reason why I can't listen to the same songs I used to..."

I continued singing to the very end, remembering why I liked that song so much as I heard someone clapping quietly from the corner. I looked up and saw Vic, the very person that I was singing that song about.

"I didn't know you could sing," he starts, sitting next to me on the couch as I set the guitar on the table.

"That's your talent in the family. I always just let you have it. Mike can play the drums, that's his thing. I got guitar and bass," I say, the words rolling off my tongue, just as easily as the lyrics did.

Vic laughed, shaking his head at me, "if you can sing, you can sing. Our family doesn't have roles, and besides. I play guitar too, and you can play drums."

"I'm not famous for those things though, I'm famous for being the 'little Fuentes'."

"You aren't just known for being my sister; so many guys on tour love you for who you are. They didn't know you were are sister until one of us told them," he says, "I mean, take Ben into consideration. He knew you were our sister when he first met you, but I guarantee you that he'd beat the living shit out of me or Mike, if either one of us were to hurt you."

I smiled, knowing that Ben was the closest person to me, knowing he'd always be there for me. "I have a question for you Vic," I start, knowing that once I start ranting, that I won't stop. He nods at me, telling me to continue, "why didn't you come to the one thing that mattered to me? I graduated from college, and that's my achievement. I come to every single concert I can, even though you know damn well that I'm not a huge fan of your genre."

"The day you graduated college was the day that Cara told me," he says, staring at the ground, his voice trailing off, not able to say that Cara told him she was pregnant with another guys kid.

"Of course. She was always the excuse. She was your girlfriend, sorry that I thought family came first. I lost Brian for your sake. He didn't like that I was touring and he left me."

"I didn't know that was the reason he left," he mutters, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"It doesn't matter. He's gone now and there's not much that can be done about it. I mean, I can't go back and change how he feels," I say, not wanting Vic to know it bothered me. As much as Vic got on my nerves, he was my brother, and I loved him, and didn't want him to feel guilty. "I'm going to be fine with it. It'll just be different, you know? Going from having that stable person in my life to having to start over."

"You know I'm here for you? I'm always just a phone call away?" Vic says, his head rolling to one side, wanting to hear a certain response.

"That's the thing; you and the guys always say you're going to be there for me. But that isn't easy with the time changes, and the touring, and the performances. It was nice, because I knew Brian would always be able to answer. He owned the tattoo parlour, all he did was manage finances and hire the artists." I start, not knowing how I'm going to pull off this conversation.

"What about Ben? He's there for you?"

"He lives in England when he's not touring. That time difference in monumental. Brian was never more than an hour away."

"Ben would drop anything for you, and you know that."

I nod, going back to what I wanted to say to Vic, "I've always been a low priority to you, and that's why it pisses me off when you try to parent me. It'd be different if you actually had been there for the important times in my life, but you weren't. It wasn't ever you, it was mainly Mike."

"Mike wasn't around more than me while we were growing up," Vic starts, trying to argue with me, trying to be a good brother.

"Mike was at my graduation, you weren't."

"Look, I've screwed up in the past, and I know that. I want to be there for you, Alex."

"Then let me live my life, and be happy for me," I say, standing up and walking out of the lounge, knowing I need a second to breathe. I pace to the kitchen then back to the lounge, sitting back down on the table. "I understand that you want me to be safe on Warped. I won't go around fucking everybody, and that's a fact. But you do not have the right to tell me what I can and can't do."

"I'm sorry, Alex. I'm really going to try the best that I can," he says, standing up and pulling my into a hug. "I do love you, and I'm ready to let you live your life the way you want to."

"I love you too, Vic. Now, if you don't mind, I have a Benjamin waiting for me at his bus. He has something he needs to ask me about," I say, lying about the Ben thing, walking out of the lounge, and down the steps of our bus, walking towards where Asking's bus is usually parked. I needed to talk to Ben about Jaime, and that's the only reason I didn't stay. Vic and I made up, sorta, that's all that matters right now.

I walked up the steps, typing the code of the bus in and walking through the door, "he's in his bunk," Sam muttered, looking up from his laptop for a few seconds to acknowledge me.

I pull Ben's curtain back, afraid to even talk to him. "Hey, can we talk?" I mutter, biting at the corner of my lip.

"Sure thing," he says, moving to make room for my in his bunk.

"Vic and I talked, so did Jaime and I," I say, laying my head on his pillow, his face a mere few inches from me.

"And?" he asks, the stench of alcohol hitting me in the face, coating my nostrils, relaxing me.

"Vic agreed to let me live my own life, he admitted that he had screwed up in the past when he basically forgot about me," I say, stopping, trying to decide how Ben will respond to Jaime and I's agreement. "Jaime and I decided that after tour we'd give it two dates, and we can't tell Vic. Technically I'm probably not meant to tell you, but you would have found out damn near immediately. I guess we're also going to be unofficially dating the rest of tour, but we can't act out of the ordinary."

"Just sleep on our bus, like, it's the perfect solution," Ben says, giving me a lopsided grin, knowing that I stay here whenever I feel like I need to.

"I know that I am always welcome here," I mutter, "hell, I bet that if I flew to England and showed up at your flat you'd make me feel just at home."

He rolled his eyes and buried his face in the pillow, "that would be right."

A/N it was a shorter chapter, but it was mainly just to get Vic and Alex back on the right track.

The next chapter will have more Jaime/Alex (someone make a ship name?). And it should be longer since I have some fun stuff planned. Yeah.


IF you want more of my 'terrible' writing I have a great Austin Carlile fic.

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