Chapter Twelve Surprise

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Chapter Twelve Surprise

Here's the chapter. I honestly don't have much to say right now.

About thirteen hours later, Alex's eleven hour flight is just landing.

I walked out of the airport, turning my phone on for the first time since I had left the bar. I put the phone back into my purse, knowing that there would be a flood of text messages, from anyone and everyone that knew I was gone.

Vic-tah: You can't avoid me. You're going to have to own up to this shit, Alexandria.

Benny-Bear: Happy birthday, Lex! I hope you can make some time to Skype with Samantha and I today at some point. Text me soon sweets. I wanna talk to you, so does Sam. WE LOVE YOU. But you're getting to be old now.

Hime-Time: I know you're worried, but please come back.

Mikey: Lex, come back. I'm seriously worried.

Tone: Mike's fine with you and Jaime, just come back.

Vic-tah: Mike and Tony say you're gone, where are you?

Mikey: Me and Vic want to talk to you, please.

Benny-Bear: I heard what happened, Jaime just told me. I understand if you don't want to talk to them, but you can talk to me, I'm always going to be here for you.

There were more, but they all were similar: Vic, Mike, Tony, and Jaime all wondering where I was, asking me to come home. I was fine, and they knew that I would come back eventually. I only had five missed calls, one from each of the guys; Mike, Tony, Vic, Jaime, and Ben. I loved that they cared, but I knew that I needed a few minutes to myself. Minutes, yeah, you took an eleven hour flight to the UK. You have more than minutes.

I managed to get a taxi, giving him the address for Ben's apartment complex, I knew he'd be surprised, but I knew he'd understand. He'd welcome me with open arms. Him and Sam both, and I knew Sam would want Ben to go out with the rest of the band, so that she and I could have a girls night.


I stood in front of the door to Ben's flat. I didn't know if I should knock or not. I didn't know if I should turn around right now and just walk away, going to a hotel and hiding out from everyone for a little while.

I knocked, stepping back and biting on my lip.

"Coming," I heard Samantha's voice call out, followed by the locks coming undone.

I gave her a weak smile as she opened the door, "hey," I muttered, my voice being weak.

"Come in, Lex. Ben ran to the shop, but he should be back soon," she said, grabbing my suitcase from me and moving it to the living room.

"I'm sorry to just show up like this, Sam. I just, really needed to get away, it got to be a little too much," I said, once she walked back over, handing me a cup of cocoa.

"Lex, you're always welcome here. You should know that," she says smiling at me. "You'll have to answer a few questions when Ben's back though, most likely. He was very worried when Jaime called and said you were gone. Hell, he didn't want to do anything until he knew you were okay. He wanted to get a plane ticket and go help the guys look for you. He'll be happy to see you."

"I just didn't want to deal with that. So, I decided that I would take the plane ride over to see you and Ben on my birthday. Plus, Ben can help me with Vic. I don't have a goddamn idea with what to do about it."

Sam went to speak, smiling when the front door opened and shut.

"I just got off the phone with Jaime, she still hasn't even sent him a text. Sam, I'm worried," Ben's voice called, I knew he was sitting stuff in the kitchen, putting the groceries away.

"I know where Alex is, Ben," Sam says, smiling at me.

"Well, where is she, Sam?" Ben asked, Sam just looked at me, waiting for me to say something.

"I'm right here, Ben." I said, standing up and walking towards the kitchen. I looked at Ben's face, and I think it's the first time he'd ever looked angry when he saw me, "I needed to get away from everything. It just got to be a bit much."

"Alex," Ben groaned, rubbing his face. "I don't know what you expect me to do. I can't let the guys think you're missing when I know you're fine."

"Tell Jaime that you've heard from me and that I'm fine. Explain to him that I just needed to get away from it for a minute so that I could get my head straight, and tell him that I'll call him tomorrow, and I'll call Vic tomorrow."

"I'll go Skype him now. Sit on the couch with Sam, I won't let him see you," Ben says walking towards his bedroom.

I knew it was hard on him. He doesn't want to let me down, but he doesn't want to feel guilty about Jaime, Vic, Mike, and Tony all worrying over where I am. I knew that I wouldn't stay for too long, but I knew that I couldn't just get back on a flight right now.

"If it's just Jaime I want to talk to him. But if one of the other guys are there, I don't, don't tell him I'm here, okay?" I ask, sitting on the couch by Sam. I smile at Ben as he nods at me.

A few rings into the Skype call Jaime picked up, "hey man. Any news?" his voice sounded terrible. It sounded like he hadn't slept since I left, that he had been worrying the entire time.

"Who's all there, Jaime?"

"It's just me, the guys are all back at their places."
I stood up, walking over and grabbing the laptop, sitting it on my lap. I looked at the screen, smiling at Jaime.

"Alex," he mumbled, his face automatically perking up.

"Look, Hime," I start, "I came to the UK. I just needed some time, and I knew that Ben and Sam would welcome me with open arms. I plan on calling Vic, Mike, and Tony tomorrow and letting them know I'm safe, and that I'll be home before they know it. Just, please try to keep Vic from killing you."

"Vic told me that he didn't want to talk about us, until he knew where you were."

"I'm sorry for just leaving," I mutter, looking anywhere but the computer screen.

"Hey, Lex. I meant what I said. I do love you, and if I have to deal with you just taking a spur of the moment trip to England, I'll survive."

I didn't say anything, I just smiled at him, biting on my lip. "I love you too, Hime. I'll tell Vic that I'm going to come home when he'll agree to just sit and listen without interrupting us."

"You do what you need to do, Lexi. I'll be here when you need me. Okay?" I nodded before saying goodbye and turning off Skype.

A/n So, yeah. HELLO BENNY BOY!

The next chapter will be 3rd person... And it may be late. I'm running out of time with the college classes I'm taking. And school is always the more important thing.
Thanks guys.

XOXO Delaney

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