Chapter Thirteen This is Real

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Chapter Thirteen This is Real

Just a reminder that this chapter is in third POV. I really enjoy writing this way, but it doesn't suit me for everyday writing. I hope to incorporate this style more, but only if you guys have a good reaction.

And I do apologize for the delayed update - as of right now my updates cannot be promised as regular. Sorry guys. 

Third POV, Alex is still in the UK at the Bruce residence, Jaime is talking to various people about his and Alex's relationship.

The spiky-haired bassist sat in the living room of his apartment. Alex's bedroom door was open, nothing had been touched since he, Tony, and Mike found the empty room.

Jaime's heart had skipped a beat when they realized she wasn't in the apartment anywhere. Jaime had blamed himself, Tony blamed himself, and Mike blamed Vic. It took both Jaime and Tony to restrain Mike when he had decided it was Vic's fault.

Alex, across the world, eleven hours away was relaxed. Sam had taken her out to eat for a day, to talk about the events that she hadn't gone into detail about.

"I had never seen Vic so angry," Alex said, running a hand through her wavy dark hair, biting on her lip. "I really didn't think he would ever get so angry about something that he didn't know anything about. You think he'd be happy that I'm happy, you know?"

The brunette shook her head, rolling her eyes, "your brother's over protective. The sooner you learn that, the better off you'll be, Alex."

Alex knew Vic was overprotective, and she tried to deny it. She tried to tell herself that he'll grow out of it eventually. The truth was that Vic would always be overprotective. He was the big brother. He felt like it was his responsibility to take care of Alex, more so than he needed to take care of Mike.

"How about you and Ben adopt me as your kid?" Alex says, running a hand through her hair. It was a joke, Alex loved Mama and Papa, just not so much her brothers.

"That wouldn't work, you know you're too old to be adopted. You could technically change your name and move away if you wanted. Rent a flat here and urge to get citizenship here. You'd be happier, as would Ben."

The dark haired girl rolled her eyes at the motherly figure in front of her, "I know that you and Ben would both probably be happier. I'd probably be happier, too. But it's not likely to happen. I would miss Mama and Papa and Mike."

"You'd miss Vic too, and especially Jaime. The happiest you've been since you got here was when you got to talk to Jaime," the brunette knew Alex well. She knew that Alex missed Jaime, it was obvious; to everyone but Alex herself.

Alex shook her head, ignoring the brunette, "I would miss Vic. But not as much as the others. And yeah, I think Jaime would miss me more though," she laughs, her voice coming out chipper.

Jaime sat on Alex's bed, his hand resting on her pillow. He missed her, and it honestly scared him. He had become attached to her so quickly, and he wasn't sure how he would react if Vic made them split.

That thought made a shiver run down his spine. He loved her, he really did. Jaime knew from the beginning that this was risky, to fall for the sister of his band mates. Alex had taken him by storm though. She came into his life when she was young, when he was naive. But, she stayed there. He didn't want to admit it, but she has always known him better than any of his other past girlfriends had. She grew up with him, in between the tours and trips the guys would take, she was around the Fuentes household whenever they'd have dinner there.

Vic wouldn't admit it to himself, but all the signs were there. They were there, and Vic knew, even before Alex or Jaime knew they were.

Mike knew before Tony did, he had the suspicion at least. He could tell something was up, especially after the way Jaime and Alex avoided each other for a day. Jaime didn't play with the same enthusiasm, and Alex didn't joke with Jaime.

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