Chapter Eighteen And The Bells Ring On

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Chapter Eighteen And The Bells Ring On

Hey guys, sorry for the cliff-hanger last chapter. And I apologize in advance for the length of this chapter. It's short... but there's only so much to be said in this situation.

Apologies, but the next chapter will be longer, and very...dramatic. 

Later that same day, Alex and Kearsten are almost back to Alex's apartment. 

"Kearsten?" I ask, turning into the neighborhood that Jaime and I's apartment is in. She hums in response, waiting for the real question. "I might be pregnant," once I say that sentence, I realize the weight behind my words. The truth behind those words were frightening, and I knew that I wasn't personally ready for the truth behind the words. 

"What?" she asks, dropping her phone into her lap, "what do you mean you might be? You either are or you aren't. There's a huge difference between 'might be' and 'am'. God, Lex. Get your facts before you go rambling." 

I had expected something longer than that, but, as much too expected, Kearsten let the reporter side of her show through all too much. "I took the test before I came to get you. I don't know what it says. I didn't want to look at it, that's why I offered to come get you. It's still sitting on the bathroom sink," I say, pausing as I pull into my parking space. "I just wanted to tell you before I went in and, quite possibly, had a mental breakdown. And no, you cannot write about it. Especially since I haven't told Jaime about it. He doesn't even know I bought a test." 

"Who all does know? Does Vic or Mike? They'd freak out if they knew I knew before them."

"You and Ben," I answer, sticking my key into the door. "I called Ben because I couldn't convince myself to take it. But, I needed an answer. And, let's be honest; if anyone can make me take it, it would be Ben." 

"What made you think you were, I mean, uh, might be?" 

I sigh, walking to the closed bathroom door, Kearsten trailing behind me. "My period is over a week late, Jaime and I forgot to use a condom when we got intimate two weeks ago. I blame that more on me, cause I kinda jumped him in the bedroom, so there wasn't a warning. I thought that my birth control would have been enough though. So, manufacture error?" I knew it was a lame excuse, and I was certain that Vic wouldn't go along with it at all. He'd blame Jaime for everything. 

She nods, setting her bags by my bedroom door. "I assume I'll take your bed, since you seem to spend more time in Jaime's room." 

I nod, sitting on the floor against the bathroom door. "I can't look at it. What if he doesn't want a kid?" 

"Jaime said he was disappointed when he learned Jessica was pregnant, but because the baby wasn't his, right?" she asks, I nod in approval, agreeing with her statement. 

"I mean," I pause, searching for the right words, "as far as I know it's because of that. But, he was with Jessica for a lot longer than he's been with me."

"So, why would the circumstances change, just because it's you and not Jessica?" 

I nod, agreeing with her, knowing that she has a point. I stand up, opening the bathroom door and looking into the sink.


Kearsten was asleep in my room, and I was laying on Jaime's bed waiting for his FaceTime. He had texted, promising that he would call within ten minutes, and I was excited to talk to him. I knew I wouldn't get to talk to him for a large part of tour, once the time difference got to be too much. 

The familiar ringtone started to play and I answered, a smile appearing on my face. "Hey, Hime!" 

"Someone's excited to hear from me," he says, laughing, his dimples showing as he shakes his head. 

"Kearsten went to sleep after her and I watched a couple of movies. So, I've just kinda been waiting for you to call." 

"I'm glad to hear you haven't replaced me now that I'm gone." 

"I wouldn't replace you," I say, frowning at the thought. 

"I know you wouldn't, Lex," he says, his face changing. 

"What's wrong, Hime?" 

"Jessica had her baby. She sent me a picture and apologized again." 

I shook my head, "don't worry, Hime. Jess didn't know what she had, and she let you go. She ruined the relationship that you two had. I know that you would have been ready if the baby had been yours. You're a great guy, Hime. She threw you away, and she made a huge mistake."

"I know, Lex. And, on the plus side. If she hadn't gotten knocked up, I would have never realized what you and I could have," he says, pausing for a minute, "we have such a great thing going, I'm honestly grateful that she cheated. I mean, yeah, it sucks that we got together in the way we did. But, it's so bittersweet. We can take this world by storm together, and I have no doubt about it." 

I smiled, nodding at him feeling like I couldn't add any more on that subject. 

He smiled, "what all did you do after we left?" 

I look into his blurry eyes on the phone screen. "I called Ben a little after you left, then I went and got Kearsten. We came back here and Skyped with Ben for a little while. Nothing too exciting. Kearsten made cookies, and we turned those into ice cream sandwiches." 

"Sounds fun, all we've done is drive to get to the first venue. That's the biggest downside of touring." 

I know this chapter is short, but I can't write much more with Jaime gone... so look forward to the next chapter rather soon.

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