Chapter Eleven Let's Get Drunk

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Chapter Eleven Let's Get Drunk

I am really going to enjoy writing this, up until the end of the chapter. So, yeah. CHAPTER 11 of 25. And it's like uber long, so enjoy. TBH, I wanted to write more, but I figured that it had gone on for a little too long and you might get a little bored of it.

Wednesday September 16th, The day before Alex's birthday.

Jaime paid the cab driver as we pulled up in front of the club. It was the same club that we always went to. Every time they had a tour, if we had the time, we'd all come here.

I stepped out of the taxi, the wind blowing my hair over my face. I turned towards Jaime, smiling as he stood up, walking next to me. I wanted to kiss him, have him hold me. But I couldn't, not yet at least. Tomorrow we'd come clean to Vic and Mike, and then we wouldn't have to hide as much as we do now.

We had decided that we wouldn't tell the fans for a while. It was more my choice. I didn't want to put the band through the constant questions, seeing as how I'm the 'little Fuentes'. We knew that telling the fans right when we told my brothers wouldn't be fair, they needed more respect than that.

Jaime led us into the club, his hand keeping a weak grip on my wrist. I kept my head down, not wanting to be stared at. When I still was in college, anytime I'd come visit mom and dad, I came here. I won't lie, I danced a lot; and I drank even more.

I would dance on any guy who'd buy me a drink, but I never did more than that. I was willing to have fun, but I never wanted to be in a risky situation. I knew that most of the 'regulars' would be able to recognize me.I knew that Jaime wouldn't judge me for it, but I still wanted to put that part of my life behind me.

I smiled when I saw Kearsten standing against a wall, scrolling through something on her phone. She turned towards me, smiling and putting her phone in her purse.

"Happy birthday, Lex," she says pulling me into a hug, her hair reeked of dye.

"Thank you, and nice hair," I say, holding a strand of blue up.

"I wanted to do something fun this morning, and I figured that I already have killed my hair, so why the hell not?"

I laughed, biting my lip as Jaime walked away. I looked around, noticing a lot more of my friends in the club.

"Happy birthday, sis," I hear Mike's disembodied voice say, I turn towards him, smiling as he picks me up, spinning me around.

"What is all this?" I ask, steadying myself as he sets me back on the ground.

"We figured we should do something for your birthday, so we decided that a party at a club would be the perfect thing," he says, "Now, if you don't mind, I would really like to spend time with Alysha, she has to leave in an hour for something work-related."

"Go see your girl, Mike," I say, leaning up and kissing his cheek. He smiles in response before walking towards the bar.

I look around the room, looking for Vic, knowing that he'd be here with Danielle. I needed to talk to him about Jaime, without necessarily telling him about Jaime. I wanted to talk to Vic, telling him there was a guy that I was interested in, wanting to tell him so that tomorrow wouldn't be completely a surprise.

I walked towards the bar, hoping that he'd be there, or Mike would know where to look for him at. I smiled, seeing my brother sitting at the bar, talking to Mike and Alysha, no Danielle in sight. As much as I loved Danielle, I knew Vic wouldn't let us talk without her, and she'd care enough to press for a name, Vic wouldn't.

I walk up to Vic, standing next to him at the bar. "Hey, Vic," I start, my voice low, not wanting to draw attention to myself. "Can we, uh, talk outside?" I ask, knowing that in the bar anyone could walk up, and if a bunch of people knew that I was interested in someone, someone would ask who. I can lie to Vic and Mike, yeah. But not to everyone.

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