Chapter One Endings

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Chapter One Endings

I am posting this in celebration of the APMAS. And because Tony looked like he was so sad at their performance. 

Thank you to those of you who are actually reading this. I am going to try my hardest to update this regularly, but it'll just depend on my computer access and how school is going at the moment. I have to keep at least a 3.571 gpa so that I don't have a panic attack.

Later that day, right after Mike and Alex pull into the venue.

"Just do your tech job for now, and don't bother with Vic. You and him need to just lock yourselves in the back lounge and talk it out, but that had to wait, cause we're on in fifteen," Mike said, opening his door, and walking around to mine. He and I talked on the way back to the venue, and now that he had heard the whole story, he knew Vic was being unreasonable.

"Did he even care that you came to get me? Or did he just brush it off?" I asked, as Mike handed the keys to the FORD people, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Vic wanted to come, Jaime told him to let you calm down first, so, as expected, that caused a whole other fight between them. They'll be alright though, Jaime isn't mad at Vic, and Vic just needs to hear the story. Don't worry, Lex, he'll come around."

I just nodded my head and let Mike lead me to the stage for that day. When we got there, Vic just started as Jaime and Tony came and hugged me.

"Hey, my tech said they'd switch with you, all you gotta do is make sure I'm good with my one guitar for the set," Tony said in my ear, making me smile. I kissed his cheek in response, thanking him.

"After the set me and you can talk, okay?" Jaime asked, kissing my forehead and turning back to his bass.

"Alex, come here," Vic called, and I just silently walked over, making eye contact with him, and not letting my facial expression falter. "It's good to have you back, Alex," he said, pulling me into an awkward hug.


After the guys came off stage, I put Tony's guitar back where it belonged, and started to head back to the bus when somebody grabbed my wrist. I turned and saw Ben (Bruce from Asking Alexandria) standing behind me giving me a warm smile.

"Hey Ben," I said, being pulled into a warm hug from the familiar face.

"I've missed you the past few days, sorry about that fight with Vic," he said, tilting his head to the side, watching my face, trying to read my expression.

"I honestly am just sick of Vic. He's trying to parent me, he's not my dad and I really wish he'd stop trying. His name may be Victor, but he's not my dad."

"He's just looking out for you, but hey, if you ever need a break, my bus is always open, the guys won't mind, especially with you," he offered as he ran off, leaving me to walk to the bus alone.

The guys were already on the bus and I didn't want to walk into that conversation at all. I already knew Vic would want to talk, but I'd rather just let him stay on boil.

I walked up the steps, entering the familiar code and stepping onto the bus. I met one set of eyes, a set of eyes that I remember from my childhood, a set that caused me so much pain.

"Sit down, Alex," Vic started, "I need to talk to you about something."

"What Vic? Are you going to keep yelling at me? Are you going to tell me that I'm a child and you need to protect me?"

"I was wrong, okay? I can't stop you from wanting to have fun. You weren't in any harm. It's not like you and Jaime were in a relationship, it was a game. I listened to Jaime, so just, I'm sorry Alex. I know you won't forgive me for a while, and that's alright. I'm going to lay down though, so have fun."

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