Chapter Twenty-Three This is the Reality

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Chapter Twenty-Three This is the Reality

So, this chapter blows, and mainly because it is the epitome of depressing chapters I have had to write (other than the wreck, and the chapter in my Austin fic, those who have read it will know). So, sorry.  BUT GUYS JAIME POV SOON

A couple of days after Alex came home from the hospital. 

I was laying on my bed, listening to Jaime knock at the door, begging me to come back to bed, back to our bed. 

"Jaime, I just, I just want to be alone right now," I mutter, knowing my voice would barely break through the door, to where Jaime could hear me. 

"Lex, you've been in there all day, please just come out," I could hear that I was hurting him. I could hear the hurt radiating out of his voice. 

"Hime, I just," I start, feeling more tears prick at my eyes, "I can't. Not right now." I knew he was worried, and I hated making him worry about me like this, but I don't want to see him, I don't want to see anyone. 

"Lexi, please, just come to bed. Just walk across the hall and lay down with me," he was begging me, and as much as I wanted to go I just couldn't. 

"I love you, Jaime, just go back to bed." 

I heard him sigh, and leave my door. Tears started to stream down my face and I buried myself under the blanket, creating my own shell from the outside world. I hated blocking him out, I hated making him upset. I closed my eyes, waiting for sleep to take over, for bliss, for peace from this hell I've been going through. 


I woke up, my eyes barely able to open, sleep deprivation holding them down. I sit up, holding a hand to my head, hoping the throbbing will subside. I groan, hearing a knock at the door. I stand up, unlocking the door, opening it, and seeing an envelope on the ground. 

Alex - 

I have to go to Vic's to help him with a tricky part in the lyrics for one of the songs he's been messing with. I'll be back in an hour and a half or so, enjoy the surprise in my room. 

- Jaime

I gave a small grin, knowing that even when I treat Jaime like shit, he still tries to find a way to make me happy. 

I took the note, stuffing it back in the envelope and kneeling by my bed. I laid on the ground, stretching to find the shoebox I kept, grabbing it and pulling it out. Sliding the lid off, I picked up the stack of papers, grabbing the folder at the bottom. I opened it, revealing all the little notes that Jaime had left me since the beginning of our relationship. 

I slid the box back under my bed, making sure that the notes were hidden at the bottom, standing up and walking out of my room. I crossed the hall to Jaime's room, opening the door and seeing that his room was rearranged. I smiled seeing that he had built a blanket fort with snacks and drinks, the TV directly in front of it with 10 Things I Hate About You on the screen, paused at the beginning. I had only ever mentioned that it was one of my forgotten favorites once. Its one of the movies that I forget how much I love it until I watch it. 


"I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car,
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick, it even makes my rhyme.
I hate it...
I hate the way you're always right, I hate it when you lie,
I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it when you're not around and the fact that you didn't call
but mostly I hate the way I don't hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all."

I mouthed the words along with Kat, tears pricking at my eyes as I heard the front door open and shut. 

I shot up out of the bed, running out of the room and throwing myself onto Jaime, wrapping my arms around his waist, holding his arms to his sides. "I'm sorry," I sob, clinging onto him as I start to cry. 

"Hey, hey, hey," he starts, pulling his arms out of my grasp and wrapping them around me. "What's wrong?" he asks, lifting me up and carrying me to the couch and sitting down with me. 

"I've been treating you like shit," I mutter, burying my head in his chest, muffling my words. "You don't deserve it, you don't at all." 

"Lexi, look at me," he starts, grabbing my chin and having me look at him, "you are fine. We lost a baby. You lost a baby. I don't expect you to be the same anytime soon. You need to cope. It's different for you, you had to carry the baby. I didn't go through that, I don't know that feeling." 

"Hime, it's not fair to you. You still need to cope," I mutter, watching his features relax, relief flooding his features. 

"I will cope when you do. As soon as I have you back in my bed with me I will be fine. I promise," he says, kissing my fingers, and  pulling me into a hug. 

"You're too good to me," I mutter, pulling my legs up, curling into his lap. 

"Come on, lets go back to my room. I doubt you finished the movie completely. Plus, I feel like the tears were more because you cry whenever you watch Kat cry. Or, at least that's what Mike said." 

I roll my eyes, standing up and leaving Jaime back to his bedroom, our bedroom. 

We finished the movie, and I rolled over, facing Jaime. He smiled at me, his dimples appearing making me smile. I leaned forward, kissing him. It was short and simple, but it was the most we had done since the accident. 

As much as it hurt me, I knew that I needed Jaime to get through this. I knew that Jaime was going to be there for me through anything. 

A/N Sorry that it wAS shorter than normal. But oops. As you can tell writer's block is a bitch. I'm trying. 

Love y'all. 


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XOXO Delaney

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