Chapter Thirty Seven

Start from the beginning

When she realized she was being observed still she turned to stare at the displeased Parris, "Is there anything else I can assist you with?"

"No," growled Parris as he stumped away from her.  Cutting his eye back he watched her lean back over the screen before going to sit at his own terminal.  Pressing a few buttons he decided he'd monitor all her work for the rest of the day.

After two hours had passed Ebony rose with a small smile and a large stretch ignoring Parris who eyes immediately went to her breast pressing against the uniform.  Waving politely to her colleagues she said happily, "I'll see everyone tomorrow."

"You have to go pick up your children," asked Legill White the only other female in the department.

"Yes," smiled Ebony bending to pick up her small blue letter carrier bag.  "If you are on your way to pick up your son we can go together," offered Ebony frowning toward Parris who had just been looking at her ass.  Just my luck to work for two pervs, thought Ebony frowning.  Blinking rapidly and shaking her head, she feigned a smile as Legill joined her.

They made small talk as they walked to the small elementary school that sat between the Gold Leaf District and the Silver Springs District.

"We are so lucky that they only have the one school," commented Legill as they stood outside waiting for the children to be released.

"We are," asked Ebony feeling someone's eyes watching her and trying not to fidget.

Legill frowned at Ebony, "Did your children attend school on Chikyu?"

Ebony giggled at her lapse, "No Crystal was home school and Titus just reached the age were I feel comfortable sending him to school."

Legill nodded with an overly bright smile, "I wish I could home school my son but we are a two income household."

Ebony nodded slowly, I'm being tested, “Yes we had thought that after school Jason would be a transport pilot for the Alliance but his name was passed over several times."

Legill nodded and made sympathic noises, "That must have been a real let down."  Staring hard out of yellowish green eyes she asked softly, "But you have the skills to be an elite worker for the Alliance why'd you marry down and limit your possibilities."

Ebony turned and looked puzzled at the thinly veiled insult and replied curtly, "I fail to understand what you mean."

Legill scoffed as she looked at the closed school doors, "Your husband is originally from Dayum correct?"

Ebony nodded slowly remembering that Jason's background was more convoluted then theirs so it would make looking into more difficult.  "Yes he left Dayum with his parents when he was 13 or 14 and moved to Chikyu."

Legill nodded, "And you are originally from Chikyu and your parents prior to their deaths were on the Chikyu council."  When she saw Ebony's lips form a line she smiled, "Am I incorrect?"

Ebony gave the woman a look that showed her disdain for where the conversation was heading. "Being on the council is what killed my parents." Huffing and turning to stare angrily at the big red doors she gave herself a mental pat on the back for staying in character.

"Ah," said Legill with a voice that held no empathy, "I bet you wish for revenge."

Ebony made a noncommittal noise and shrugged.  She needed to speak with Jacob about this turn of events.  It had been two weeks since Arthur had said they should go to dinner and now she was being approached and this was not something they'd discussed.

Legill shrugged but continued to smile slightly, "I believe that we will make great friends and allies."

Ebony nodded but remained quiet at this turn of events but made sure she kept a pleasant expression.  Her smile turned huge when she saw Kayo and Mekhi running toward her and she gave them both huge hugs.

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