TN | Reality - 06

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In reality, no one is worth your time

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In reality, no one is worth your time

     That was words Amora had once taken as advice from Rosè

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That was words Amora had once taken as advice from Rosè. However, it seemed so much easier to hear than to actually say to herself. She wanted so badly to say that this man wasn't worth her time but she cared so deeply for him. She had shared so many secrets and vented so many times to him, how was she just suppose to let him go?

Amora's mind was everywhere even though Jewelle and their mother, Conni, were sitting right across from her talking directly at her.

After him breaking up with her, she felt lost. She needed advice and Rosè seemed away. Jewelle and Conni weren't helping because all they did were tell her she needed to focus on school and "it's gonna be okay". She didn't feel that way as the tears leaked from her eyes.

However, she just wanted them to shut up. She wiped the wet drippings off her face and smiled. "Thank you, I feel much better now."

Looking in her eyes, Jewelle knew she was lying but she took it as a sign that she just didn't really wanna talk anymore. "Okay."

"Well, if you need us... we're here." Her mother that.

I do need you, you're just not giving me what I need. She thought as she stood from the couch. "I know." Amora said before retreating back up the stairs and going into her room.

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