Chapter 9

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So, after four of you settled down the idea. Next day in school, Hyejin who already possesed by you were hiding with Hana, as if both of you were waiting for someone.

"So, Rise is doing her job by looking for Namjoon. Now it's your turn Hana. Take Jungkook away from Taehyung as long as you can, got it?" You whispered and she nod although she have this worries expression on her face. "Don't worry. He won't bite you as long as you don't give him the chance! So just stay away from less crowded place okay and don't show your neck too often, cover it with your hair if possible." you give her advice and she smile in relief.

"Thank you. I'll try my best. Fighting for us!" Hana replied with a small smile and both of you quickly turn around when you saw Taehyung just walking out from his class with Jungkook. "I'm leaving!" Hana whisper in a rush before she approach them.

"Jungkook-ssi.." Hana sang as the boys turn around to meet her.

"Oh, Hana-yah.." Jungkook immediately smile while the other one just roll his eyes, know that Jungkook is about to flirting with his new target again.

"I was wondering if you're busy since I might need your help." Hana muttered hesitantly while eyeing Taehyung for awhile.

"Oh, I'm not busy. Right, hyung? You're just going to eat in cafetaria alone right?" Jungkook immediately laugh awkwardly and silently give code to Taehyung.

"Ah, yea yea. Finally you're going to stop attach to me hahahaha.." Taehyung laugh unwillingly.

"See? See? Now, let's go wherever you need my help!" Jungkook quickly added and pull Hana's wrist away leaving Taehyung sighing and walking to the cafetaria alone.

Seeing your chance is coming, you quickly followed him in normal pace. You were lining right behind him for the food, and of course gaining cold glare from his fangirls. Yes, he's well-known as cold and good looking boy in the school.

When it was finally his turn, the girl before him purposely turn around and flirting at him.

"Ah, it's Taehyung oppa!?! Here, let me get the food for you!" she squeal and put some food randomly on Taehyung's tray. Almost in instant, the scene of where he choosed the food for you back then cross your mind. That's when you know this is your chance.

Confidently you reach out your hand put some food back to its place and replace it with something else.

"Yah! Ryu Hyejin, what are you doing?!" She yelled, unhappy obviously. While Taehyung still shut his mouth although he was clearly surprised too.

"First, he didn't like beans. Second, he prefer this one rather than the previous one. Third, he loves more meat." you said and grin at her but before she manage to reply anything,

"Thank you." He said to you and you were surprise since he looks so calm. You were hoping he remember something that he did back then, since it's the similar scene.

After you got your food, you quickly search for him and bravely you sat in front of him. Luckily, no one's dare to sit with him beside his close friends but you can't help but take this chance.

The moment you sat down, all pair of eyes were on you including Taehyung's while you just grinning at him.

"Can I sit here?" you asked, hoping he wouldn't chase you away like he usually do when girls tried to sit with him.

".. Sure." He whispered slowly before he continue eating his food.

You were cheers inside and can't stop smiling at the little progress you've made. When you were about to open your mouth to eat, suddenly you remember something.

Disguised Wings 《BTS FANTASY AU!》'Mischievous Angel' Sequel ✓Where stories live. Discover now