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"I'll leave her if you follow me."

"Fine! just...leave her alone. I'll go with you."

Staring at your unconscious body his heart broke even more when he knew he doesn't have any other choices beside agree with everything they tells him. He don't want to leave you but for the sake of your safety, he has to.

With his bleeding lips and broken wings, he try to stand up with his all.

He still want to fight for you and be your man,

Maybe he's helpless right now and the only thing he could do was, pray for you.

Pray that you will be fine.

Pray that he will be able to see you again.

Pray that everything's gonna be alright.

'Please... please stay safe. Please. Please. We're destined to be together. Remember that.' He keep praying inside his mind as he staring at your unconscious figure.

"Good boy. Now let's go."

"Let her go first."

"You're not the one who has the right to tell me do things, Kim Taehyung."

"I swear if you lay your finger on her I'll haunt you to dead, Kim Seokjin!"

Taehyung shout as two man suddenly appeared and drag him out of the scene while he was trying to break free when he saw Seokjin carrying you to the darkness.

'Please, stay safe. But if you really have to go, take me with you, my princess. I'm your guardian afterall. Please, Yoonji. '

Disguised Wings 《BTS FANTASY AU!》'Mischievous Angel' Sequel ✓Where stories live. Discover now