"What just happened?" She asks, tilting her sunglasses down her face a little.

I smile a little at the card, getting it out from my bra. "Angelo gave me his card so I can buy a dress."

She nods her head and we continue into a store.

2 hours and 100 dresses later, we each finally found our perfect dress.

Eve plops down on a bench and lets her shopping bags swarm her. "I am exhausted."

I sit beside her and cross one leg over the other. "Same, but I'm glad we got some cute ass dresses."

Eve nods excitedly, "Sooo are Matteo and I basically going on a date?" She asks me, her hazel eyes staring into my chocolate ones.

I think for a second then nod, "Basically."

I know she is fighting back a grin and instead just tries to play it off by looking off into the distance.

We are waiting for Angelo and I to pick us up so we can go back to the house and get ready for tonight.

Soon enough Angelo and Matteo pulls up in their cars and I get in with Angelo.

We head back to the house and we lazily sit on the couch.

"Soo...what you guys tryna do?" Matteo ask.

I give Angelo my sneaky smile and he seems to get the message and looks at Matteo.

"Bachatero mami!" Angelo yells and he stands up, pulling me with him and Matteo rushes to connect his phone to the speaker.

Eve looks wide eyed at us when we all start dancing and fooling around and Matteo takes her hand.

"Vamos Eve, you gotta dance to hang with us." Matteo pretends to grind on her and Eve scrunches her face up.

"Oh god." She says which we all laugh at.

Angelo spins me and I dance around with him in my little yellow dress.

I look and see Eve huff, "I cant dance that stuff, its too hard."

I move my hips side to side, curling my finger for her to come over. I smile teasingly and do some more dramatic moves.

"It's all in your hips, go gotta feeeeel the music. Are you feeling it?!" I yell over the music and Angelo pushes me to make me twirl over to Eve.

I take her hands in mine and she stands still while I dance.

"It's in the blood!" I continue to dance and switch to Matteo and Angelo must've gotten jealous because he took me back to dance.

We spent the next hour or so folling around until we decided it was time to get ready for our dinner date.

Eve and I locked the door shut in her room she was staying in, so the boys couldn't come and ruin the surprise.

We got to work quickly and decided to do our makeup first, so it wouldn't go on our dress. I did more makeup than I usually would, making a sexy smokey eye. I made my lashes long and flirty to compliment it and added a nude lip to tone it down.

Eve did a brown smokey eye, while mine was a little darker. Her lashes were long with a plum matte lip color to bring it together.

My curls were nice and soft, I put extra product in it so it had less volume. I twisted a piece from each side of my head and tied it behind my head. Eve went for a laid back look, curling her hair a little for some waves.

After we were done, I gave Eve a cheeky smile and we excitedly slipped on our dresses.

We look in the mirror and I gaze at mine longingly. It was a deep red with a plunging v-like, making it a little scandalous. My whole back was exposed, thin straps holding up the dress. The silky material draped around my feet on the ground and I put on strappy black heels to give me height.

 The silky material draped around my feet on the ground and I put on strappy black heels to give me height

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Eve's dress was more loose than mine, it also going down to graze the ground. Her v-line plunged way deeper than mine and she went braless, which was a crazy thing for her to do. The front had a see-through material, showing a slit on both sides of her long legs. She also wore tall heels, making me have to lowkey look up at her.

We take some dramatic pictures in the mirror and some ugly selfies that we cringed at

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We take some dramatic pictures in the mirror and some ugly selfies that we cringed at. Eve brings a clutch but I scoff and just take my phone with nothing else.

I make my way downstairs with Eve, my heels clicking with every step I took.

Angelo is waiting at the bottom of the steps, fixing his shirt sleeve. When he hear our steps his eyes snap to my figure and I feel his burning stare eyeing me up and down.

I reach the bottom stare and do a little motion down my body.

"Did I clean up good?" I ask playfully and he licks his lips.

"Fuck." He pulls me in close and pushes my hair back whispering in my ear. "Maybe we can go a little late and take this over to our room." I move closer to his ear and he tenses, "Not a chance, mama need to eat."

I pat my stomach and he makes a face at me, I stick my tongue out at him being childish and Matteo walks in.

He is holding flowers and walks to Eve, giving them to her.

"I just found them outside but I thought they were nice so I gave them to you." I awwed and Eve blushed red.

"Thankyou Matteo." She hesitates to hug him but he goes in for it.

Angelo rolls his eyes and takes me towards the door, "My baby hungry, lets roll."


//Sorry I haven't been posting lately guys

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//Sorry I haven't been posting lately guys. I was on vacation and didn't have the time to update. Now though, I will hopefully start putting out more chapters more frequently.

Thank you for being patient and still reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and comment your thoughts//

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