Kara (Mikayla and Mc)

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Three days after Mya
Mikayla's POV

"WHY DOES GOD HATE ME!" I yell while we are all in the living room.
"Mc! Your girlfriend is going into labor!" Rebel shouts without looking up from the dishes. Wow how helpful he is. Mc comes rushing into the room.
"To the hospital now!" He yells helping me up.
"AT LEAST SOMEONE IS HELPING ME!" I yell to everyone. They shrug.
"They're has been two births already. The third isn't a surprise." Donnie said not looking up from Caesar. I roll my eyes. Sometimes I feel like they hate me.
"...there is no god by the way..." Ghost mumbled.
"OH SHUT UP! AT LEAST I HAVE AN ACTUAL NAME! WHO IS NAMED GHOST!?" I sass. He looks at me and points a gun.
"I AM CARRYING A FUCKING BABY! I KNOW YOU WON'T SHOOT!" I glare at him. He huffs and lowers the gun.
Mc grabbed the keys to his car and stared at Ghost.
"Ya ready?" He asked. I glared at him with a "are you seriously asking me that look". He turned and helped me out to Mikey's car. He pulled out the parking lot and right when he was on the road he slammed on on the gas.
"DUDE IF WE CRASH THEN THERE WILL BE NO BABY TO DELIVER!" I scream as we quickly got to the hospital.
"SLOW DOWN!" I scream. Did he here me?
"How bout no..." He hit the gas as he pulled into the parking lot. I couldn't get out of the car. There's too much pain.
"Mc help me out. This damn thing better want some better food to be coming out this early!" I shout.
"Early!? You're a week past normal due date." He pulled me out the car. I immediately had a sharp cramp in me and I felt my pants get wet.
"My water just burst...." I mumble.
"What the fuck! Hold it in!" He picked me up. Wow he must be strong to lift a pregnant woman. We rushed into the hospital.
"IF I DONT GET A FUCKING NIRSE FOR MY PREGNANT GIRLFRIEND SOMEONE IS GOING THROUGH A WINDOW!" She shouted. A nurse quickly brought in a wheelchair and Mc sat me down in it. I looked at him worried.
"Hey hey hey it's ok sweet cheeks. Everything will be ok."
"When it's you and me. Everything is wonderful. Nothing bad will go wrong." He gives me a kiss and the nurse pushes me into the delivery room down the hall. I looked back and he smiled at me. The brought me into the room and set me down on the table. A nurse laid me down.
"She's ready!" One calls out to another. Then a doctor walked. Ah out on some gloves and remove my pants.
"Now Miss this will hurt. I need you to push with all the strength you got." I nodded at her. Another pain hit me.
"PUSH!" She yelled. I began pushing out the little shit from my stomach it took a while cause the baby didn't want to come out. Finally I heard a cry and I stopped. The doctor handed one of the nurses a bloody baby.
"Good job." The doctor said removing the gloves and leaving. That's all I get is a good job? I was sweating and just wanted to take a nap. Soon enough the nurse came back with a baby wrapped in an orange blanket. Mc told her too, I know it!
"Congratulations miss it's a girl." She handed me the baby. I looked into her eyes. Mc came in and stood next to me. The little girl was a turtle and had brown hair and blue eyes. She had freckles like me. She's so cute.
"You went through the pain of carrying her so you should name her." I heard Mc say while along her from me.
"Can we name her Kara?" I ask him. He looked at me and smiled.
"A beautiful name picked for a beautiful baby." He handed me back the little girl. I never knew Mc could act mature! Maybe this isn't my boyfriend?
"Ok where's my boyfriend?" I joke.
"I'm a dad now."
"Yes. But I've never seen you act mature before." I smile at him. He rolled his eyes and chuckled. A black haired nurse came in with a wheel chair and Mc and her helped me into it. The nurse followed Mc out to the car with me. I held the baby as they helped me back into the car. After I was comfortable the nurse gave Mc a nod and she headed back inside. As Mc drove home he actually was being careful. Like speed limit careful. I didn't say anything in case he took it as an insult. We pulled into our drive way and, with Mc's help, we got into the house. I was ambushed with compliments about Kara.
"Look at those freckles!" Mya cooed.
"She's gonna be a heartbreaker." Donnie said with a nod.
"Nope! No boys! I will beat them into the damn ground." Mc said from behind. I chuckled.
"Guys I'm tired. Can someone help me to my room?" I ask. Rebel took Kara and took her to the nursery. Mc helped me to our room where I laid on the bed and fell asleep. Giving birth sure wears you out.

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