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Jade's POV

He had fucking sex with that damn girl. He never told, well he barely tells me anything, but I wish he told me. And I kissed him! I fucking kissed him and....fuck my life. I got out of bed and placed on my holsters. I put one on both of my legs and some around my waist. I brushed my hair and teeth and exited my room. I should probably check on the girls to see what's up. I went to Mya's floor cause hers is before Mikayla's. As the doors opened I saw Leo leaning against the wall and sitting on the ground, waiting for Mya.
"Mya...please..." He begged but she didn't respond to him. I don't see why I should ignore the girls and their guys, just Ghost.
"Leo..." I haven't spoke since yesterday. He whipped his head in my direction and moved his hat up out of his eyes.
"Jade...what do I do?" He asks walking up to me. Well now I'm just put on the spot.
" her yours..." I sound like Ghost. He looked at me confused then figured it out.
"Thank you." He said before running off. What did I just do? Is he asking her out finally or something. Oh he's gonna get rejected. I turned before he got on the elevator.
"And Leo. Make sure you tell her how you feel about her. She would appreciate that." I finally say before heading to Mya's door. I knocked but didn't get a response.
"Mya it's me." I say quietly. I walk in anyways and see Mya talking to Mc.
Mya's POV

About an hour ago I heard a knock on my window. I open my eyes to see MC on my porch. I ignored him at first but then I heard the door open. Shit I never locked the door. I sat up in annoyance.
"Mya I know you don't want to see any of us. But I want your help to get Mikayla to talk to me." He gave me Those cute puppy eyes. I turned my head.
"Come on Mya please..." He sat on the end of my bed. I should be mad at him right? He upset Mikayla, but he never did anything to me. He wants to fix what happened. Damnit I'm giving in!
"Ask her out. Plain and simple." Man I sound like Ghost. Simple phrases. He looked at me.
"I don't think she'll say yes." He muttered. I turned to look at him. He wasn't himself. There is no happiness or punk in him. I actually felt bad.
"You need to show her that she is different than that damn Red Hot girl." I put a hand on his shoulder. He was fidgeting with his hands.
"I-I hated that chick. Worst girl I've ever dated. Well only girl I ever dated. She treated me horribly but I don't know why I had sex with her. She was so manipulative." His hands balled into fists. I scooted back so I didn't get punched. He sighed.
"You're scared aren't you?" I realized. He slowly nodded.
"But you call her Sweet Cheeks and like to hold her hand and everything!"
"I want to see what she'll do. She's different then Red Hot. So much better. I want to call her mine for as long as she'll let me." A single tear dropped down his face. Now I feel horrible.
"Do something amazing to ask her out and tell me where and I'll take her there." I say. He nodded. Then my door swung open and Jade entered.
"Leo's been outside your door for a while." She said pointing outside my room. I shrugged.
"I know. Don't care, now Mc go and get over your fear. You can do this." He nodded at me and left. Jade looked at me and smiled.
"Softie." She mumbled. I hugged her. Maybe I'm in a softie mood.
"I'm sorry I didn't talk to you yesterday to make sure you were ok." I pulled away.
"Me too. Let's go get Mikayla." I got ready for the day and we left my room and headed down to Mikayla's. As the elevator door opened her and Ghost were standing in the hall talking to one another. Well Mikayla was talking to him. They looked at us and he nodded at her than ran off down the staircase. We looked at her and she shrugged.
Mikayla's POV

I woke up early and sat in bed.
"I should really go talk to the girls." I said to myself and I got up out of bed. I got ready for the day and went into the hall. I hear breathing and turned around to see Ghost leaning against the wall. His beanie over his eyes and his shirt over his mouth. I looked at him and growled. He popped his head up and moved his beanie and shirt.
"What do you want!?" I yell at him. He looked me in the eyes.
"...Jade..." He said still leaning against the wall.
"You came to talk to me didn't you?" I ask. He nodded.
"Well...I don't know how to help you. You fucked the girl who stabbed her." I shrugged as I spoke. He whipped around and grabbed the collar of my shirt and shoved me into the wall.
"....don't mention it..." He released me and went back to leaning against the wall. I fixed my collar annoyed.
"Ok my bad. Just find a way to ask her out. Something she might like." I say standing in front of him. He held up two tickets and VIP passes.
"Hollywood Undead? Good chose. It's one of her favorite rock bands." I say impressed that he already thought some of this through.
"...what do I say..." He asks quietly.
"Well...I mean. When the concert is over and you go in the back. Convince the guys to help you out. She wouldn't be able to say no. She would be happy with what you did. It would be the best thing a guy ever did for her. Oh and maybe get her some beer.
"...I'm 19..." He mumbled.
"But a bandit. Am I right?" I ask with a smirk. He nodded.
"She likes to drink beer at concerts. Just don't give her a lot or mom will kill her. Only like one or two." He nodded as I spoke.
"Did you just say thanks!? Wow!" I joke. We both whip our heads in the direction of the elevator as the doors open. Jade and Mikayla exit. I look at Ghost and he looked at me, then he ran off down the stairs. I looked at the girls and ran up to hug them.
"I'm sorry." We all say at once to one another.
"Let's go get breakfast." I say as my stomach rumbled.
"Hey has anyone seen mom?" Jade asked. Mya and I face palmed ourselves.
"Didn't you listen? She left for vacation for two weeks in Hawaii. She left like two days ago." I shake my head at Jade. She shrugged.
"Well I didn't know." We headed down to the dining hall where our breakfasts were already.
"Oooo PANCAKES!" We squeak and stuff our faces.

Tmnt Punk, Swag, and the Chicks (COMPLETED) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora