Dustin (Jade and Ghost)

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Due date

Jade's POV

I felt a sharp pain go through my entire body.
"HOLY FUCK! GHOST!" I scream from the bedroom. I start yelling. Everyone scrambles in.
"Jade's in labor...." Mya said flatly holding her stomach.
"Why haven't we gotten ours?" Mikayla asked while I'm screaming in pain.
"Not the time! We need to get Jade to a hospital! ASAP!" Donnie yelled.
"STOP FUCKING YELLING DONNIE!" I scream. My whole abdomen area was burning and in pain. Donnie laid some kind of doctors blanket thing near that area.
"There's water! Guys there's water!"
"Her water must have broke. Well no time for a hospital." Donnie said. Ghost gently removed my pants and underwear.
"YOU ARE NOT DELIVERING MY BABY!" I yell out in pain.
"Dude look is that a...head?" Mikey pointed to my lower area.
"...stop looking or I'll kill you..." Ghost mumbled shoving Mikey away.
"Everyone except Ghost get out!" Donnie yelled. Everyone scurried out.
"Ghost do you want to deliver the baby or me?" Donnie asked skidding on gloves. Ghost shrugged.
"I'll just do it." He put his hands near me.
"...don't hurt Jade..." Ghost mumbled.
"You think I'm trying too? Jade you have to push."
"FUCKING FUCK!" I scream. The hell does he think he is. I need a doctor not a Donnie. Holy shit this baby get out of me.
"Are you even trying!?" Donnie yelled.
"YES FUCK YOU! GHOST GIVE ME YOUR HAND!" I grabbed his hand and held it as tight as possible. I thought I heard a crack. He winced but quickly pretended nothing happened. Maybe he should be delivering this baby.
"IS IT OUT!?" I yell.
"Jade it's been out...and it's not an it it's a he..." Donnie said flatly.
"Oh..." The pain started to slowly fade.
"I'm gonna go wash him off." Donnie said with a smile going into our bathroom.
"Did I do good?" I ask. Ghost nodded.
"What should we name him?" I'm gonna keep asking question till he gives a good response.
"...Ace..." He responded. That name reminds me of the Killer Ks. Ace...ew.
"Dustin it is!" I say happily. Ghost cleans me up and helps me to my feet. I put back on my clothes.
"Sit her down! Do you know how weak she is? Put the girl down!" I look over to see Mya and Mikayla waddling in. Mya was the one shouting.
"Fine fine fine." I gently set myself back on the bed. Ghost sat on the couch.
"You guys didn't give birth yet?" I ask.
"They'll probably be late bloomers. At least they have an older cousin to look forward too." Mikayla said sitting on the bed.
"They got Caesar too." I responded and just on cue Caesar came running in. He's already almost a year old and is already walking and sort of talking.
"Aunta Jada! Babby out?" He ran to my legs.
"You have a baby boy cousin." I said happily. He cheered then ran off again. Donnie exited with Dustin wrapped in a purple cloth. He handed me the baby. Ghost came to my side to also see him. Dustin was a turtle with brown hair. He had Ghost's eyes.
"Awe! He's a mini you!" I cooed. Ghost shook his head and took off his beanie, putting it on Dustin. It didn't really fit but close enough.
"...now it is..." He said taking him from me. I glared at him.
"Give me Dustin and let's show the others." I said. I forgot Mya and Mikayla were still sitting there.
"Omg he's adorable." Mikayla squealed.
"He's definitely gonna be player." Mya said with a nod.
"No he won't! He will be a good young man." I say protectively.
"...sure..." Ghost said sarcastically. Ghost helped me up and we went to the room everyone was staying. I started to show off my fantastic baby to everyone and I kept getting many compliments.
"I want my baby to come out!" Mya yelled.
"Me too!" Mikayla yelled as well. I roll my eyes.
"So much pain. I'd rather be stabbed again." I mumbled. I went to the nursery with the three beds for me and the girls. I laid Dustin in one if them. He smiled at us. I unwrapped him from the blanket and started playing with his feet.
"...ok you need rest let's go..." He pulled me away. Who the hell does he think he is?
"Who's gonna watch him!?" I yell.
"...Raph and I..." Ghost mumbled.
"Ok I trust Raph cause I've seen how he is with Caesar. But you...I don't know." He rolled his eyes and brought me to our room. I laid down and was out in just minutes. I felt a slight kiss on my forehead and smiled.
I drew the picture above. I tried to give an idea of what Dustin looks like but I'm not artistic...so yea. Sorry if ain't that good. Hope ya enjoyed.


Tmnt Punk, Swag, and the Chicks (COMPLETED) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang