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But Mei is no match to him. In just a few moves he swung, twirl and pivoted around to play with Mei's training, making my second in command graceful moves looks clumsy. The assasin bypassed Mei, pounding him on the back and hitting Mei's nape with the hilt of his sword, Mei swayed on his feet.

Then Jiang tried his luck but he too didn't get any swipe at "The Shadow". With a move as quick as lightning, he caught both Jiang's arms, Jiang who is bigger and taller than him, under his pit, made Jiang lose his sword then hit Jiang's face with the hilt of his sword on the captain's face.

Jiang staggered, taking the blows on his head. "The Shadow" abandoned him and continued his way to the generals.

I frown as the assasin bypassed more soldiers, fighting them but...

He is not killing them. He has a clear target, General Liuwie.

I ran to him, shoving and kicking and slashing black figures who stood on my way.

Before "The Shadow" reach the generals, I stood in front of him. A little breathless but I still raise my sword in front of me.

Our eyes meet. My heart jolted. Those eyes. They look and feel...familiar.

"The Shadow" raise his sword swung it to me. Our two blades meet and that started a fight between us.

He is strong. His swings are forceful and precise. His moves fast and sure. Clearly someone who trained for a long time to be the best assasin alive today.

But I am the defense specialist. I think it is time to let him have a taste on how to fight someone like me.

I called a little of my strength and started blocking his attacks. My sword swung to block and counter his slashes. I put a hand behind my back and steady my stance, like how Master Gao taught me.

"Steady feet, plant them on the ground Young Master Qing. Then eyes on the weapon and the hand handling it. Start blocking,"

And that's what I do. I started blocking his attacks. Without any thoughts of counter attacking. Just depending.

That's what differs a defense specialist to other fighters. We just defend, we don't counter attack. Conserving our energy that way. Expanding just enough and wait for our opponent to get tired.

Well this one is not getting tired. With a surprising move, the assasin jump and roll in the air to get behind me and slash my back, but I turn fast and block his blade.

He turn his head to look at me, his chest heaving, he looked at me from head to toe then his eyes came back to my face. I frown when I saw surprise there.

Then with a move I never expected from an infamous assasin known to kill all his target. He turn around and ran into the forest.

It took me a moment to recover from the shock of finding "The Shadow" running, when I got back from my surprise, I ran after him.

(Mei's POV)

When Captain Wang ran after Dayu I knew that it is my cue to start my mission.

Inside my uniform is a note a soldier passed to me. A soldier that is in our alliance.

He is not originally a part of the scouting team, but I noticed him discreetly joining our rank when we stopped to clear the road blocked by a fallen tree.

Somewhere in the forest, a soldier originally part of the scouting team is either unconcious or dead so this soldier who is an ally of ours can join us.

He discreetly pass a small parchment to me and I hide for a bit to read the note in Dayu's handwriting.

Change of plan. You will kill General Liuwie. I will provide the distraction. When you are ready to kill him, shout "protect the generals".

Then when the soldier came to me again, he slip a short thin bamboo stick on my uniform.

Just the right size to conceal a poisoned dart.

I watch as the spies of Governor Feng engaged soldier. Then more emerged from the shadow. They are not killing soldiers, they just keep them busy.

These spies move quickly, avoiding the attacks of the soldiers.

I walked backwards until I got close to where the generals and the coronels are. My jaw ticked when I saw General Liuwie wearing a common soldier's uniform. He had put someone on his horse and decided to blend in with our soldiers.

Cowardly bastard.

I will kill him.

"Protect the generals!" I shouted as I stood beside General Liuwie. That is the code phrase.

All black figures stopped fighting, they retreated and form a line. Jiang and his second in command as well as our still standing soldiers walked backwards to shield us.

I took out the bamboo stick from my uniform, slide the posioned dart from there. Carefully avoiding to prick myself.

That would be embarassing, if I kill myself with poisoned dart meant for an enemy. When I have handled poisoned darts almost as many times as Dayu.

The black figured raised there hands and in a blink of an eye, shower our contigent with darts.

"Take cover!" Jiang shouted as he turn his back from the black figures raining us with darts.

Meanwhile, I put an arm on General Liuwie, trying to shield him, I look into his eyes and nodded.

Then I slowly stick the poisoned dart into his side.

QingYu: A Wuxia Tale (Going Through Reediting)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant