24 - Compassion

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Compassion. Where does it begin, and where does it end? It's a question I'm just now beginning to really understand. It begins and ends with me. It begins where I allow it to begin. It ends, when I no longer allow it to be a part of me. It is with me at the very core of my being... or not. 

Compassion comes about when we see others as Christ sees them... I mean, really see them. It bulldozes every brick in any wall that's been built around the heart, brick by painful brick. It rises up in prayer when the burdens inflicted on those we love and even on those we've hated, are so overwhelming to them, that we allow compassion to convict our own heart. Compassion led Jesus to Calvary. Compassion held Him on the cross. We are called to share that same compassion for others. I fail miserably by comparison. 

For years, I've believed I've forgiven and moved past the things that rocked my world and ripped my life to shreds. But my forgiveness was never completely tested until recently. Could I find compassion towards the person I forgave? Is there any compassion in my heart towards the same person that threw me away, destroyed my family and rejected me in every way? The answer is yes. I've found compassion for someone who showed no ounce of compassion in the way he acted, in the way he treated me and in the sentence he placed upon me and our child. 

Yet, in what he's now facing, I can find only one thing... compassion. I don't want him to have to go through the pain and suffering that lies ahead. I've prayed for him to be restored. I've prayed for a miracle for this man I've hated. If that isn't compassion, then I will never know it, and I will never be able to see anyone as Christ sees them. 

Compassion is something we can give or something we can withhold. As painful as it is to see the brokenness of others through the eyes of Christ, it is more painful knowing I don't see people that way. How do I find compassion for all in the same way that I'm finding it right now? Does it always take tragedy and heartache to bring us to our knees... to pray for those we might never pray for until they need a miracle? 

I have a long way to go and a short time to get there. I'm a sinner, but I'm a sinner whether I'm on my knees or not. It's my personal choice what I do about it. Compassion is up to me. 

Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassion never fail. (Lamentations 3:22)

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