9 - If'n I was God

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The Sherman Brothers wrote a song back in the early 70's called, "If'n I was God." I doubt it was any more popular than the Tom Sawyer musical it was written for. 

I was about 11 when I first heard Johnny Whitaker sing that song as he (Tom Sawyer) was packing up his meager belongings to run away with his best bud, Huckleberry Finn, so that Injun Joe wouldn't find them to 'do them in'. 

I loved the music from that musical so much so that I scraped together every penny I could earn - my life's savings ($3.99), to give to my sister, so she would order the album through her Columbia House record club. When it arrived, I listened to it over and over until the words became a part of my heart: 

If'n I was God, well just fer spite, I wouldn't set the sun at night, 

till everyone was treated right, by everyone else they see. 

If'n I was God, I'd fix it so, without explainin' folks would know, 

they'd know what's goin' on inside, of everyone else... like me. 

Nobody'd hurt, nobody else, I wouldn't let it be. Nobody'd have a need to pray, except... fer thankin' me. 

If'n I was God, I'd make us wise, so's everyone could realize, 

that everywhere beneath the sun, everyone needs everyone, 

and God... that ain't half what I would do, 

if'n I... was... you. 

How many times I've felt that way... wishing I was God. Times when I've witnessed those I love, suffering against incredible challenges, events or losses that pierced them to the core. 

How many times I've felt that God wasn't being fair because of the hurtful things that weighed me down. What had I done to deserve these things? If'n I was God, it never would have happened the way that it did. I would have won instead of lost. I would have passed instead of failed. I would have... I would have... I would have. 

Truth be told, I would have really fouled things up if'n I was God. My best guess is... it's a good thing I'm not. 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5)

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