2 - Satan 101

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You've heard it said... Satan doesn't really exist. All those Bible stories are just there to make little kids mind and do what their parents tell them to do. 

There's only one problem with that kind of thinking. I see him every day of my life. I see him in people so full of hate, they kill. I see him in people who hurt the elderly, innocent children and even animals. I even see him in religion. But what's really tough... I mean, you want to see something really scary? 

I see him in me. 

There's no way around it. He's right there, side-by-side and running hand-in-hand with the spirit within me. It happened some time ago. I didn't see it coming. It was safe and warm, and I imagine I was more content than I'd ever been. Then WHAM! I was pulled out of that home zone called my mother, and there he was with a grin on his face saying, "Welcome to my world." (I picture the Grinch, you know - when he smiles that crooked smile, and you know he's up to no good?) No, he wasn't the one slapping me from behind to get me to take my first breath. He was more subtle than that, and you know what? He still is. 

These are generalizations about him; seeing him in everything that's evil. But it gets pretty personal sometimes. Like when you wake up in the night for no apparent reason, and evil is all around you. You can feel it, and your heart races because you don't know why it's there. Worse than that, you don't understand why you can even sense it, but you can. And there's only two ways I know of to drive it away - submission and resistance. 

Why submit to something you can't even see? For the same reason as when you wake up and know evil is close by. You can't see it, but you know it's there. Sure, you can turn the light on in your room, and everything will appear as it should. Except when you wake up and feel it... when you wake up and absolutely know without a doubt that evil is in the same room you're in... you're paralyzed, and the only thing you can do is submit. Submit to the spirit that's deep within you - that inherent call for God to intercede on your behalf. It's the only way to make the devil flee - the only way. 

Submit yourselves then to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)

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