Chapter 25

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Hanzo's POV
    I pried my eyes open and what I saw was the most terrifying sight I've ever seen.
    Jesse, tied up on one of our chairs, with a gun pointing towards him. I traced the gun to a cyborg arm. Shocked, I looked at his face. Genji?! "Genji!! What on Earth are you doing?!", I snapped. He laughed and jokingly said, "Teaching you a lesson, brother." I scoffed, "What might that be?!", I spat. "Emotion is weakness.", he sternly said.
    Anxiety began to invade my veins. " Don't.", I warned.

"Or what? You cannot do anything, you are bound by ropes as well as your own feelings."

"Please don't do it, Genji."

"Aww, why you don't want to lose your cowboy, Darlin?", he laughed.

"Do not call me that!"

"Do not tell me what to do! Unless you want him to go through what you put me through!"

"Why don't you use your sword, you tasteless beast!"

"He's simply not worthy of it, just as you are not worthy of him!"

"Genji please!! Let him go!! Shoot me! Just let him go!", I begged.

"Ha! So you can finally get your foolish honor.", he mocked.

"You know nothing of honor!"

"At least I can accept myself, fool! Now watch as I blow out his tiny brain with you as an audience!"

"Please!! Just let him go!! Shoot me!"

"It seems you are desperate. Something you never were. This man has opened up a soft spot, hasn't he?!"

    Anger was brewing inside me. But, fear was more dominant. I can't live without him! I want him to open his eyes. Anything, anything that'll save us. A tear crawled down my cheek as I began to grimly accept reality.

    I was going to lose him. All because I decided to fall for him.

"Look at you, crying over a boy."

"I love that boy!", I sobbed.

"Emotion is weakness!", he scolded.

"No it is not!", I argued.

"Then why are you crying so profusely over him!"

"It's because I love him and I don't want to see him like this! Please Genji, just shoot me. It's not like I can tolerate this life anymore. Without him, my life has no purpose.", I admitted.

"Fine. I shall leave you and return in the morning to carry out this job. Clear your disgusting mind and mentally prepare yourself to watch him die.", he menacingly responded.

    I sat there and continued to sob. He can't die. Especially not like this.... My eyes poured salty tears as I let out shaky breaths. Trying to regain composure and think of a way out. Nothing. It's over. I looked at Jesse one last time, tears threatened to spill again.

"I love you..."

    He began to shift, grunting. He was waking up.
These chapters are rather short, but that's so I have time to update. It's so they are manageable and you can still read. But like, this is so emotional to write. My cousin thinks I'm insane. Anyways, hope you enjoyed!!

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