Chapter 8

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Hanzo's POV
Jesse eats like an animal. The food is good so I'm not exactly blaming him, but he should at least show some table manners. But I still love him. I'm still not over that. I'm in love with him and I feel so lucky that he feels the same way. It feels like time goes to faster with him. Actually, what time is it? 9:37. Already? Time really flies when I'm with Jesse..

"What's buggin ya, darlin?"

   I realized that I've been eating slow. Really slow. I decided to respond with a classic. "I'm just thinking, sorry."

"Ya can talk to me bout it when we get home 'k? Ya don have to go apologizen." Then he started nuzzling me.

   Of course he read my mind. It's like he always knows if something's up. Well, I was looking moody, but he always knows what to say..
    After finishing our food, Jesse paid. Well, he wouldn't let me pay. We left and pretty much just came straight home. I'm absolutely enervated. I pretty much rushed into my nightwear. Jesse was in his room but, I really wanted to...cuddle with him. So I got up from my bed, sauntered to the door, slowly opened it, tip-toed to his door, and shyly knocked on it. I barely heard it myself and I doubt he heard it too. That is until the door opened and there in all of his shirtless glory, he was standing in front of me. I suddenly felt even more bashful and I started to fiddle with my fingers. What's wrong with me?! I couldn't speak again, I was too distracted by his body.

"Is there something wrong, darlin?"

    Then, in the most inaudible voice possible I said, "Can you come to bed with me?"

That's when he started to grin."Aight, but lemme put on a shirt first."

    No! Don't cover that beautiful body up. Let's go! Becoming a little impatient I grabbed his right wrist with both my hands and started to pull him to my room. He looked a little surprised but he had that devilish grin on his stupid handsome face. I tugged him towards my bed and I lightly pushed him onto it and with that I laid next to him and snuggled close to his bare chest. I sighed in content and relaxed against him. At that point I felt his arm come around my waist and pull me closer and his comforting warmth shrouded me. But, I tried to get closer. I feel like I cannot get close enough. With that I quietly muttered, "I love you."

   It was then I heard a deep voice say, "I love ya too, darlin." Feeling safe and happy I fell asleep in his arms.
I'm sooo sorry that this chapter is a little shorter. I'm trying to get every chapter to at least 500 words. But like anyways, I do hope you like this fan fiction. It's my first written work so please go easy on me. *_*

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