Chapter 13

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(Third person)
    Jesse was hyperventilating. The right in front of him was enough to send him straight into a heart attack. There, Hanzo was laying in a hospital bed, recovering from a bullet to the abdomen. Jesse felt numb, almost nauseous just looking at his lover in such a critical condition. Angela was still on her way to do whatever she could. She was currently in a plane. But Jesse couldn't think straight. He couldn't think about how Angela's on the way, hell, he couldn't even think about breathing. His breathing was shaky;uneven and his body was slightly quivering. He refused to leave Hanzo at all, he acted as if it was critical to stay. The doctor wasn't able to argue with his stubbornness and left him be. Jesse sat down in a chair and held Hanzo's hand, desperately feeling for any type of warmth that he could find.
   After a few hours of sulking and crying, Angela walked in. She had a suitcase and she was panting, presumably from rushing here at such short notice. She opened up a suitcase she had and began to pull out various equipment and went to work.

"Is he going to be ok, doc?", he asked in a fearful tone.

"I'm afraid we're going to have to see, Jesse. His wounds are quite violent and it will take some work to repair."

    Jesse began to let out shaky breaths as he continued to stare at Hanzo's face. Please live. Please.
    After Angela did whatever she could, she left and Jesse obviously stayed behind to stick by Hanzo. It was night and despite Jesse desperately wanting to stay, the doctors told him that he must go home. Sighing in defeat, he took off his serape and laid it on top of Hanzo and left. What he didn't know was that he was healing fast. Very fast. He would wake up in just a handful of days.
Hanzo's POV
~1 week later~
   My body began to function correctly. I was able to pry my eyes open and look around. My head was throbbing. The scent I first awoke to was cigars and whiskey. Excited, I got up and looked around. I childishly searched for him. But, to no avail. I looked down only to find his serape. My mood instantly simmered down and I became a little sad. I hugged the serape and inhaled the scent of it, wishing he was here. A doctor walked in;completely shocked. "You're awake!", he excitedly exclaimed. It was then I saw Dr.Ziegler walk in with an endearing smile on her face. She approached me and said, "I think I know someone who will be happy to know about this." I smiled and nodded weakly. I sat there and fumbled with my fingers and started to play with the serape, hugging it and smelling it like a crazy person. It was then I heard the door open and my eyes instantly lit up. He walked in. After a few moments of my breath caught in my throat and my eyes locked with his, I started to shed tears as he ran to me. He embraced me in the most welcoming hug ever. I feel like I'm home again. "Darlin.", he said in a shaky voice. "Jesse...", I said in a tear laced tone. "I missed ya so much...I thought ya were a goner...I'm so glad yer awake...Oh Darlin I don know what I'd do with out ya.", he responded in a pained tone. I then saw Jesse look at Angela and ask, "Can I take him?" She nodded dismissively and he looked at me. Those eyes. I could drown in them and never come up for air.

He picked me up in his arms and started towards the door. Yes, I was home again, no doubt about it.
Ok ok so I like skipped that whole one week because that would be a lot of filler. That'd be an extra like 10 chapters of McCree just moping and crying. So I decided not to waste my time as well as yours. Besides, I wanted this to be as juicy as possible so I tried to write exactly what you wanted to see. Not "oh he was dead and Jesse cried over his body." But, I definitely do see that this chapter will need some minor fixes. Nothing big. Hope you enjoyed!! Next chapter will be coming soon! Sorry this one took so long!

McHanzoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon