Chapter 2

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   McCree woke up. Shockingly not having a hangover. Since for once, he didn't get drunk the night before. Realizing he had the energy, he threw on his regular outfit and left to get some cigars.

    While wandering to look for any time of cigar store, he ran into a little someone. McCree ran into him a second time.

"Howdy, nice to see ya again."

   He just released a sound of disapproval and looked away and continued walking. But, McCree did something before thinking, he grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. Clearly shocked and disgusted the shorter man pushed him off and scolded him.

"What gives you the right to touch me?!"

"Well, why do ya gotta be so rough edged? I'm just wantin' to talk. Maybe even a name would be nice."

"Fine you stubborn fool! My name is Hanzo Shimada! Now leave me be!"

   With that, Hanzo walked away, offended and just frankly, attacked. McCree on the other hand, walked off, but completely hungry for more information. Thats one of the Shimadas? Pretty cute. What?! No.

   Finally Jesse(McCree's first name) found a cigar store. His eyes gleaming with excitement to see the lung destroying pipes. After several minutes of observing every single packet, he picked out one healthy sized pack and walked out with a childish smile. He impatiently unwrapped the packaging to pop one in his mouth immediately. Lighting it with a small lighter he smoked away. Puffs of grey rising to the sky and the ignited cigar glowing a soft orange.
    Suddenly he anonymously got a message to call someone. He was handed a phone number. Curious and annoyed, he entered a phone booth and called it. To his surprise, Reyes picked up.

"Sorry about the inconvenience of contacting you. Would be easier if you had a damn phone."

"Pretty sure ya didn't call me to go at me like this. Tell me what ya want."

"There's been a threat sighted where you are. I need you to protect the Shimada family, more specially Hanzo Shimada."

   Jesses face pulled up to a smile. He knew what a ride this was going to be.

"Aight, anythin else?"

"Nope. Break a leg, don't get into trouble. I'll repeat that. Don't. Get. Into. Trouble."


   Smiling slyly he started walking to the same place he met Hanzo. He met up with the same gateway and entered the same garden. Pink was drowning the landscape. He then saw the same black hair tied up by a yellow ribbon. Smiling goofily he walked up to him. With the same emotionless and stern voice, Hanzo spoke.

"What do you want now?"

"Well, I was told to look out for ya. My boss told me to."

"I do not need your help. I can protect myself just fine."

"Well, hate to tell ya Hanz but I gotta follow orders otherwise I'll get in trouble."

   Hanzo glared at him. But he understood he was just carrying orders. He was a little disgusted, but came to terms with it and sighed.

"Very well, I suppose you're just following orders. Do not make yourself a burden."

"Whatever ya say Hanz."

   Hanzo gestured him to follow. With a smile Jesse followed the shorter man to his home. Little did Hanzo know leading him to his home would be a devastating mistake. Or maybe even a life saving idea.

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