Chapter 7

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The two walked outside, hand in hand. Neither of them knew where they were going to do as they wandered off Hanamura. It was sunny and quite quiet for a Saturday morning. But regardless they didn't care as they had each other. To Hanzo's surprise, his stomach began to growl. Scarlet crept up onto his face as Jesse smiled devilishly at him.

"What are ya hungry for, Darlin?" Jesse said, still grinning.

"Nothing in particular."

"Are ya sure? Ya just wanna find a restaurant or somethin?"

"Yes, that would be nice."

With that said, they began to peruse the streets and look for an appropriate place to dine. Jesse, being completely new, couldn't make his mind up, he was like a child in a candy store; unable to make up his mind. Hanzo found it captivating to see Jesse so excited about choosing where to eat. After several moments of elaboration and decision making, they ended up at a petite sushi restaurant in the corner of the street. They walked in and heard the door bell and they were greeted by a kind woman dressed elegantly in a pink kimono. She guided them to a booth and they sat down across from each other. They were handed menus and they both began to flip through the pages. It was then Jesse found something that caught his attention as well as Hanzo. They just picked some regular salmon sushi for a good starter. With Their orders placed and the menus gone, they both had to just wait. Hanzo began staring out the window and started thinking about his life. So chaotic, he thought. Jesse, on the other hand was staring at Hanzo. Admiring just how cute he was. Until that is, Hanzo looked over only to see Jesse's eyes glued onto him. For nearly the thousandth time his face began to heat up, turning a soft red.

Before speaking he cleared his throat, "What are you....What are you staring at??"

"Your beautiful face that's what, Darlin."

Hanzo became a deep red. His throat went dry and he didn't know what to say. He was so foreign to compliments. He had never been called such a word. Finally he was able to form some words.

"Y..You are very beautiful too."

"I know darlin, that's one of the reasons why yer with me, isn't it?" Jesse's face began to pull into a sly grin.

Hanzo was frozen. He could only nod because his brain was going haywire and his heart was pounding, the deafening beating ringing in his ears. Until Jesse spoke up.

"Here, let me give ya a better view." He said deeply.

Then, Jesse got up from his side and sat on Hanzo's side, scooting next to him. It was then Jesse put his head next to Hanzo's ear and seductively whispered:

"There, now ya can stare at me all ya want."

Hanzo shifted in his seat in discomfort. Defeated and indefinitely aroused he leaned into Jesse, putting his head on his shoulder. He let out a shaky breath and as soon as he calmed down, an arm came around him and wrapped him up, pulling him in closer. It was then the woman came to them with their food and laid it on the table. She smiled sweetly and walked off. They both took in the scent of the scrumptious food and both their mouths began to water. Halting their previous position they began to dig. It was then Jesse laid down a cliche line that once again, ignited Hanzo's face.

"I wouldn't say it's the food that's hot."
Ok ok. Sorry these chapters are taking so long. This one was really hard to write. Since it was hard to describe every time my lil Hanzo blushed. Also, yes they will kiss. But another thing, please tell me if you want them know, insert the pencil into the sharpener, you know...have Basically, do you want them to fuck or is that a no no? Please tell me.
Ill try to update as much as I can. But be warned, I re read these chapters to constantly revise faulty paragraphs and misspellings.

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