Chapter 3

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   Hanzo was probably going overboard by letting McCree staying at his home. He was uncomfortable with letting him stay there and it was still a choice, but better than having him coming and going every single day. May as well save him some trouble--for once.

   Jesse was taking in the area. It was so clean and organized, very quiet too. Just following him around. Then suddenly they came to a halt, Jesse accidentally bumping into Hanzo.

"Whoops, didn't mean to do that."

   Hanzo just sighed. But, he'd be a filthy lier if he said he didn't like feeling McCree that close. It was so, reassuring and comfortable. Hanzo, realizing his crude thoughts silently cursed himself and snapped out of it.

Emotion is weakness.

   Hanzo introduced him to his room. He was unsure how long he was staying but decided he may as well adjust, regardless of time. Jesse walked in and nodded at the appropriately furnished room.

"Anything else you need, McCree?"

"Ah, ya can call me Jesse."

"Very well. Hope you will enjoy your...stay."

   Hanzo was still nervous about letting Jesse stay here, let alone right across from his room. But, it's happening, might as well deal with it. Sighing in defeat he went to his own room. He was exhausted and it was late too.
   The place was quiet, any little noise could indefinitely be heard. What Hanzo didn't tell Jesse or anybody for a matter of fact, is that he gets chronic nightmares about him trying to brutally murder his brother. He was still affected by it. Soon enough he was going to experience one.

Brother please!!
Why are you doing this?!?
Breathless. Wide eyes. Red. Everywhere.

   Sweating profusely he darted up. Panting, he looked around, on the verge of tears. Then, realizing he was alone. His eyes gave up, he started sobbing, his whimpers ripping through the maddening silence. He was more than likely loud, well, louder than he'd hoped. He was thinking and panicking until he heard knocking.

"Hanz, are ya alright in there?"

   His breath was hitched. He was so mortified to be falling apart in front of a semi-stranger. But this part of him also was relieved that someone saw through him, relieved that he wasn't alone. Jesse walked into the room And approached him slowly. Hanzo wasn't exactly aware of what he was about to do, until he felt strong arms around him. Jesse was embracing him in an attempt to comfort him, but Hanzo was just, too weak to disagree. He had nobody and Jesse was there. He gave in and wrapped his arms around and hung on as if his life depended on it, crying into Jesse's chest. Then, Jesse attempted to speak up.

"Now, mind telling what's bugging ya?"

"I...I...I...N...Nothing. I...I'm fine.

"Ya don't look fine."

"I...It's n...nothing."

"Ya sure?"

"Y..Yes. Thank you."

   Then after they pulled apart Jesse decided there wasn't much he could do, he got up and decided to leave. He felt sympathy, but Hanzo doesn't seem to be the type to need help. But, something got into Hanzo and his train of thought betrayed him, but he just couldn't stand being alone. He grabbed Jesse's wrist desperately. Jesse, obviously shocked, stared at him.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Can you...stay tonight?"

   Jesse was confused, yes, but he couldn't say no to him. He looks so helpless.

"Aight, lead the way??"

   Jesse laid on the bed and patted next to him, short after Hanzo laid next to him and snuggled close. After moments of getting comfortable Hanzo sighed and silently appreciated the cowboy. He felt so safe and...loved. He began to fall asleep, pondering and upon that he realized something.

   He was falling for Jesse McCree, slowly but surely.
OH GAWD THIS IS CRINGY. HE JUST STARTS FALLING FOR HIM OUT OF NOWHERE!! But, in defense it's like he was starting. Not like already madly in love. So, that's my argument for these fast feelings. Hope you enjoyed!

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