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Harry's POV

"She's going to be fine Harry." Jasmine reassures me, grabbing my hand.

We are sitting in a hospital room with Riley in front of us, a whole load of tubes attached to her body.

"It's all my fault." I whisper, staring at my almost lifeless girlfriend. "I didn't believe her, she thought I didn't trust her." My voice cracks as my eyes begin to water.

"No its that Jackson's fault." She huffs shaking her head in disbelief.

"S-she said she loves me!" I begin to sob, Niall walks into the room, noticing the state I am in, he pulls me into a hug.

"Its okay mate." He mumbles, rubbing my back.

"Why won't she wake up?!" I whimper.

I pull away from Niall, running my shaking hands through my messy hair.

"I need her to wake up!" I raise my voice a little, my breathing starting to increase. "Riley!" I walk over to her gently shaking her shoulders. "Wake up baby!" I sob.

"Harry calm down." Jasmine warns. "Maybe you should go home and freshen up." My clothes are still slightly damp and there are purple bags under my eyes. "Niall and I will be right here with her." She smiles.

I slowly nod, kissing Riley on the head, I walk towards the door not before giving Riley one last glance then exit to go to my car.

Once I'm in my car I just break down and cry over my beautiful girl.


"Harry?" Jesse knocks on my bedroom door before entering. "I..um..I'm sorry about your girlfriend." He sits next to me.

"She probably won't want me after this." My voice is hoarse from all the crying.

"Don't say that Harry." He sighs.

"What would have happened if Niall and Jasmine weren't there? She would of died because I didn't believe her, I didn't even let her explain, I just jumped to conclusions because I'm a selfish prick!" I chocked, my eyes starting to water again.

"She was underwater for so long Jes, I couldn't find her, I...I" I Couldn't breath.

"Woah Harry!" Jesse sat up, aware I was having a panic attack. "MUM!" He yells, but my ears a ringing, my heart is beating so fast.

I want Riley.


"You okay now my love?" Mum asks with a look of concern on her face.

"Yeah." I croak, lying on my bed staring at the ceiling.

"Get some sleep now." She kisses my forehead and exits my bedroom.

"Riley!" I yell, looking frantically around the canal.

I swim back down seeing her body floating to the bottom. I swim towards her pulling her up to the surface.

I gasp for air once I'm at the top and look over to where Niall and Jasmine are, a lifeless body lies on the floor.

Riley's body.

"She's dead!" Jasmine yells, sinking to her knees.

I look down to see Riley is no longer in my arms! "NO!!!"

"NO!" I sobbed waking up from the nightmare, I look around to see it's dark outside, the moon shining brightly into my room. I lay back down and start to cry again. "Riley." I whisper, wanting her next to me.


Harley's POV

"Why didn't she just tell me?" I whisper to Jasmine, holding my little sisters cold hand.

"I don't know Harley."

It's morning and Riley is still in a coma, her lips are still blue and her skin is pale. The door opens revealing her so called boyfriend.

"Get out!" I stand, shielding Riley.

"I...um..I came to see her." He reasoned. "I got her some roses." He gives a small smile, looking at Jasmine who smiles back but his smile drops once he sees my angered face.

"Well you can put them in the bin on your way out." I turn around sitting back down next to Riley.

"W-what?" He stutters.

"You heard." I roll my eyes.

"But she's my girlfriend." His voice cracks.

"Ex." I mumbled.

"Harley, stop." Jasmine warns, but I just ignore her glare and turn to Harry.

"If it wasn't for you she wouldn't be here fighting for her life." I stand. "So you're going to take your flowers walk out that door and not come back, if you know what's best for my little sister." I threaten. "She's the only family I've got and I'm not going to lose her to some selfish idiot." I said, seeing tears run down his cheeks but I really don't care.

He releases a shaky breath before turning around and leaving the room.

Jasmine's POV

"Why did you go do that?" I ask, angry at how he treated Riley's boyfriend.

Before he can answer I walk out the room to go find Harry, I look down to see he hadn't gone far. He has his knees tucked to his chest and his head in his arms, the flowers were by his side as he cried to himself.

Niall came round the corner with our coffees in his hand but placed them down once he saw Harry.

We both kneeled down and pulled Harry into a hug letting him cry his heart out.

Poor Harry💔
What do you think about Harley's reaction?

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