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Harry's POV

I've known Riley for only a month now but it feels like I have known her forever.

She is so beautiful, the way her brown her cascades down her back and when her baby blue eyes look at my green ones with happiness.

But I feel like I'm being a burden now, I feel like I might be annoying her. She's the only friend I have ever had and she probably thinks I'm being clingy, hence why she hasn't replied to my text message for 2 days.

She's been hanging around with this boy called Zayn Malik, she told me that he was her childhood friend.

I'm not going to lie, I am quite jealous that she isn't hanging out with me as much as she has this last month because he has decided to come back to London.

My stutter has improved, only around Riley though, she's helped me so much and I hope one day I will be able to repay her for all of her help.

A knock at the door brought me out of my thoughts.

"C-come in."

"Hey Harry, your mum let me in." Rileys said coming through the door.

I just nodded, I was still quite annoyed she hadn't replied to my message.

She sat next to me on my bed but I kept my eyes towards the ground, I could feel her staring at the side of my face.

"What's wrong babe?" She questioned, making me blush from the nickname.

"Errm, youdidntreplytomymessage." I quickly mumbled, surprised I didn't stutter.

She lifted my chin with her finger so we were face to face.

"Say it again Harry, slower this time." She instructed, making me slowly nod my head.

"You didn't r-reply to m-my message." I explained.

"Aw, Harry I'm sorry." She wrapped her arms around me. "I haven't been on my phone, I didn't mean to worry you, I've been with Zayn, I was telling him how me and you have become friends." She pulled back, showing me her perfect teeth.

"I'm sorry, I was o-over exaggerating." I confessed.

"No you weren't Harry, you had every right to question why I hadn't replied, I'm sorry." She admitted.

We stared at each other for about 10 seconds before bursting out laughing. I pull her in for another hug because she is so warm, " don't w-worry me a-again Riles" I mumbled into her hair.


"He wants to meet you." Riley spoke.

"Who?" I asked confused.

"Zayn." She announced, "he thinks you're really brave."

I scoffed.

"I'm n-not brave Riles, we are t-talking a-about the boy t-that runs into a s-storage r-room and c-cries." I said rather embarrassed.

"I admire you Harry, the fact that you come in to school, just wanting to get on with your life, blocking out the horrible people is brave, you may cry but that doesn't mean your weak." Riley pointed out, making me smile and look at he ground, yet again.

"Promise you won't leave me Riley." I asked.

"As long as you promise not to leave me." She compromised.

"I promise."

"Touché." She giggled.

Sorry for the boring chapter, it was sort of just a filler.


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