We parted ways and I went back into my room to await the dreaded Vitaly. I laid down on the bed trying to relax, before I knew it I had drifted off with dreams of being home.

I was awoke by the sounds of knocking on my door. I got up and adjusted myself before opening it to reveal Alekzander. He gave me a warm smile and extended his hand for me to shake. Of course I did, he seemed nothing like the others he was calmer and had a sweet demeanor about him.

"Hello Scar, I don't think we were properly introduced my name is Alekzander but you can call me Alek"

"Hello Alek, what can I do for you?"

"Vitaly has requested to see you in his office, I know this is tough for you but I'll do my best to convince him to let you go." Were these people serious or was this a test? Either way I didn't trust any of them.

"Alrighty then let's get this thing over with." He gave me a slight chuckle before escorting me down the long hallway to Vitaly's office. When we arrived to the double doors Alek knocked and Vitaly called for us to come in.

Walking in I noticed him sat behind his extremely large desk. I mean who needs a desk that big? Nikolai was sat on one of the plush couches with Nikita. Alek ushered me over to a chair that was sat directly in front of the devil himself.

"Nice to see you again Little Red, we need to have a little discussion but I'm sure you're aware of that." I glared at him, if looks could kill he would be dead already. "You saw something you shouldn't have seen and now we're here and I'm put in a position I don't like, and you don't want me to be unhappy Little Red so tell me what you saw that night."

"Simple you shot a man in the head, not a bad shot might I add, well you were pretty close so if you missed it woul..."

"Enough!!!" Well somebody has their panties in a wad tonight.

"Do you realize what kind of situation you are in Scarlet? This isn't a game and I'm not one to play with."

"It's Scar! I hate it when people use my full name. And second I am completely aware if you're going to kill me get it over with, if not let me go home to my best friend and my dog." He stopped and looked at me puzzled. I was getting out of here one way or another, well once I figured out where here was exactly.

"You aren't going home just yet Little Red. I'm going to keep you around for awhile. Maybe I'll just turn you into my play thing." My thighs clenched together. Wait.....why did they do that? There was no denying this was single handily the best looking man I've ever laid eyes on. But I'm not going down that road.

Maybe if I play his game though I will have a better chance of getting out of here. My thoughts were interrupted by Nikita shouting at her brother.

"You will do no such thing Vitaly!! Now as long as she is here you will not lay your hands on her she isn't a toy and I won't have you treating her as such!" That a girl!

Vitaly stood up from where he was sitting behind his desk and stared her down he wasn't even looking at me and I could feel the anger coming out of his eyes shooting straight to his sister. Well she scratches my back I scratch hers I guess. I stood up and got in the middle of them.

"LOOK! You put your hands on me and I'll give you more than a good right hook, and you! Thank you for sticking up for me I appreciate that but I'm a big girl and I've dealt with men like Vitaly here my whole life I can handle it."

She simply smiled and nodded her head to me while exiting the room and I don't blame her. That was uncalled for this whole thing was I shouldn't even be here in the middle of this family drama. Surprisingly Nikolai and Alekzander stayed silent through the whole ordeal.

"Alek take Scar here back to her room. Let her call Evie 10 minutes only any funny business and she dies!" I nodded my head deciding not to piss him off anymore tonight at least.


Back in my room I sat in silence with Alekzander for what felt like forever contemplating everything that has happened in a span of 48 hours. I was brought out of my thoughts when Alek called my name.


"Shit!! What? What happened?" He chuckled at me. "You zoned out are you okay?"

"Is that a real question Alek? I think we all know how I'm feeling." He threw his hands up in surrender. "Here call Evie check on Gator please don't do anything you will regret." I nodded my head and dialed our house number. It rang two times before I heard my best friend in the other line.

"Scar is that you? Hello?" She sounded panicked, I hated doing this to her.

"Hey Evie yeah it's me, I'm so sorry." I heard her sigh in relief and Gator barking in the background.

"God are you okay? You don't ever do things like this gator has been a wreck and i don't know what to do with him." I smiled a bit knowing Gator would be driving her crazy right now.

"I'm fine just an emergency with some distant family I didn't know I had. Don't worry I'll be home soon just take good care of gator for me yeah?"

"Of course babes you know I will. Just be safe okay we love you." I looked over to Alek who was motioning for me to wrap it up.

"Well I have to go but I love you both and give Gator kisses from me." We said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone feeling worse than before. Alek could tell I wanted to be alone as he gave me a slight smile and just left the room. I needed to think of something some way to get out of here.

Sadly his remark earlier made me think. If I gain his trust maybe I can get the hell out of here. Operation fuck shit up starts tomorrow.

You're going to wish you never messed with Scar Rockwell!

Little Red & The Wolf  (Mafia Story) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora