Bad Luck In Georgia

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Brain and his friends seem to be the only one not able to sleep.  "Dude, why are we here?" asked Rick   "I figured if those nuns don't want to give that bitch up, maybe a little fire will change their mind," he said as she took out two bottles filled with gasoline with a rag on the nozzle.

"Dude you're not serious?  Those are all nuns, virgins, their good holy woman you can't-do this!" replied Rick as he stepped out of the car to try to stop Brain.  John quickly pushed him and he fell to the ground.  "Dude, if you're a pussy, go home to your mama, but don't try to stop us!" John said as he grabbed one of the bottle bombs.  "Dude you do this I'll tell," said Rick as he got up and began to walk towards his home.   "Talk all you want, who do you think told us to do this, Uncle Sam?  Besides, I know you're not stupid, just never forget what happened to Leon, It could happen to you, although you are white.  "Man, now I see what my parents were saying, you two are a bad company," he said as he continued to walk away.

"So on the count of three, we throw them at the same time." suggested John "Did you leave the car on?" Brian asked as he took out the lighter. "Good to go! One, Two, three!' they both counted them at the same time the light the rag and threw the bottle bombs. One landed on the window and the other on the front door.    The explosion it made woke up everyone in the convent.  Then before Brain taking off, he threw a large rock, with a note attached that read, "Give her up, or we will burn you all."

The student's nuns all began grabbed buckets of water, trying to stop the door from burning.  Sister Theresa quickly went to check on Mai, who was feeding her baby in the nursery.   "Mai, my God, I'm glad you and little Chase are safe," she said as she walked into the room.  "It's them again.  I'm so sorry you have to go through this because of my child and I.  I'll pack my things,  I'll leave the second the fire is out and everyone calms down.  I want to thank you, Sister Vicotria and Father Jim, for all your help.  Again I'm sorry." she said as she put down the baby and began to pack his things.  

"Wait! Where are you going to go?  With a baby you can't get far, there be looking for a woman with a newborn child.  Mai leaves him here.  Sister Victoria and I will make sure he is protected.  When you are safe and this ordeal is over, you may come back and get Chase.  It's not fair for him to be in so much danger." said Sister Theresa as tears fill her eyes.   

Mai picked up Chase and began to cry, "Little man, I so sorry.  I love you so much.  But you're not safe with me.  Your two wonderful godmothers will be taking care of you.  When it's safe to come back, I will." she whispered   Then handed the baby to Sister Theresa.   "Go back your things, I'll get one of the students to watch and finish feeding Chase.  Go now, there no time to waste," said Sister Theresa

Mai quickly ran to her room and pack.   Sister Theresa call, student Sister Addy to attend to Chase.  Then she went to help Mai pack her things.

When they both were done, "Sister Theresa are you sure, you won't give my son away to an orphanage?" Mai asked with a worried look.  "I promise you, he'll be part of our family," she said as they walked out Mai room and into the nursery where Mai can say her last goodbyes to her newborn son.

Meanwhile, the students had the fire completely off.  They began to clean up the water and smoke damage.  They call the fire department, but somehow the communication was a mix-up, they went to another house across town that was not in flames.  Lucky that the nuns did what was necessary to save their convent.  

Mai hugged and kisses her baby goodbye.  "Sister Theresa, I don't know if you believe in faith, but I know things.  Chase will be a famous baseball player, only if you let him play. Never forget that. Please every chance you get, let him know how much I love him." she said as she handed the baby to Sister Addy, picked up her bags and walked out of the nursery. 

"Sister Theresa, will it be alright to say my goodbye to Sister Victoria.  She has been so nice to me and my baby.  I don't want to leave without saying goodbye to her." Mai said as she and the sister heading to the kitchen.

When they walked into the kitchen, "What are you still doing here?  You going to get us all killed.  We have the devil in our convent and I do believe it's you! Get out and take that bastard child with you" yelled Sister Agnes

Suddenly Mai leaped over the table and grabbed Sister Agnes by the neck and pushed her three times in her face.   Sister Victoria and Sister Theresa quickly went to separate the ladies, without success.  

"You set me and my baby up.  Send me out there to the store!  You know they wanted to hurt me!  You don't desire to be under this roof, you are a very evil nun!" Mai yelled in her face as she continued choking her.

Mai was squeezing her neck so tight that Sister Agnes face was trying blue.  "Mai!  Please stop!  You don't want to do this.  This is what they want you to do, don't give them another reason to hunt you down!" yelled Sister Victoria while trying to remove Mai hands, from the nun's neck.

Mai had lost control, but the soft voice of Sister Vicotria woke her up and she realized what she was about to do.  She got close up to Sister's Agnes ear and whispered, "They save you. I'm leaving you got your wish. But listen to me and listen well.  My baby will stay here and you will love and treat him like a human being.  Cause when I return, and I heard different, I will not stop next time.  Do you understand me!" said Mai as she let go of her neck, letting Sister Agnes catch her breath.

Sister Agnes gasps for air but didn't say a word in response.  The fear in her eyes was noticeable.  "Mai, go now run, I'm sure when she catches her breath, she'll call the police," said Sister Victoria as she hugs Mai and said her goodbyes.

Sister Theresa was still staring at Sister Agnes when Mai walked up to her and hug her, she finally woke back up.  "Mai, take care, don't worry no one, and I mean no one will hurt my godchild," she said with a smile rolling her eyes at Sister Agnes.   Mai gave the baby a kiss and grabbed her bags.    She then kneels at the front door, thanking God for his help.  She then said goodbye to some of the students as she walked out the burned front door, every now and then looking back.

Mai was dress in her nun's outfit.  She began to walk through all the back streets until she reaches the bus station.  She took out a ticket to Philadelphia, then sat and waited for the train to arrive.

Sister Agnes quickly stood off the floor and headed to the rotary phone.  She was about to call the police when someone pushes the crap out of her and knocks her out cold.

Sister Agnes hit the floor hard.  "Sister Theresa what have you done?" asked Sister Victoria with a giggle, trying to hold her laughter back.

"I did something everyone around here is dying to do.  This stays between us. Now help me take you to her quarters." she replied

"Thank god I was the only one that saw that, besides our Lord of course.  But you were right. I did want to push her out, thank you." said Sister Victoria

The two nuns carry Sister Agnes to her room and placed her on the bed.  Then they went about normal business.  After that incident, Sister Agnes was much nice and polite. The two nuns raised little Chase, and as Mai said, he did become a famous baseball player.

Mai finally boarded the train.  Her heart had the intention to retune for her son.  But all the pain and struggles that she went through after that, made her lose your memory, and she never was able to remember where the convent was located, she wasn't even sure if it happens in Georgia.

Leon was in a wheelchair for the rest of his left.  Twenty years passed and someone stopped Mai in the street.  It was Leon and his brother.  "Mai, how you been?" asked Timothy  "Hey, I know you, but from where that I can't tell you." she replied  "My brother needs to see you.  Somehow he feels he doesn't have long to live.  I've told him not to be silly but insisted on seeing you.  I had a detective fine you." Timothy explained

"Mai looked over at Leon, who was very fragile as he sat in his wheelchair with a happy smile.  Mai smiles back   and didn't understand why she had to say what she said, but she said it, "Leon, you know I love you, right."   Leon faces lite up with a smile, as they walk away.

A couple of months later, Leon passed, in Mai knew this, for, in her dream, they said their goodbyes.

The End.

Maria Pagan

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