Bad Luck In Georgia

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Mai ran to her room crying.  "What is wrong with this lady, I thought nuns weren't allowed to be racist.  My luck I had to crash into her.  My life just sucks so much.  God please, help me." she said as she cried herself to sleep.

Sister Theresa came back from school.  When she saw Sister Victoria picking up the mess.  She gave Sister Agnes a mean stare.  "What happens here?" she asked   "Mai tripped and everything fell out of the cart." explained Sister Victoria   "Where is she now?' he asked   "I've sent her off to bed.  The girl looked tired." said the nun   "Tired, she didn't get tired of making that baby with a black man." said Sister Agnes   "What is your problem? Are you racist?' asked Sister Theresa as she gives her a mean stare.

"Unlike you, I don't need validation from none.  Excuse me, I turned in now.  If that girl goes into labor, don't bother knocking on my door." she said as she left the kitchen.

"Sister Theresa, I really think you should keep an eye on her.  She related to one of those boys. I do believe, I hope that I'm wrong, but she's a little bit racist.  I think they know we are hiding Mai here." explained Sister Victoria as she finished picking up the mess.  "If they do know, Sister Agnes must have said something, cause the outside world doesn't know what goes on in here unless we tell them and there's no such thing as a little bit racist," said Sister Theresa as they both walked down the hallway to their quarters.

Sister Theresa looked in on Mai and saw her sleeping peacefully.  He left the door ajar and went on her way to her room.

The following morning, Mai's eyes were red and swollen.  Anyone can tell that she cried herself to sleep.  "Good morning," she said as she walked into the kitchen.

To her luck, Sister Victoria and Sister Theresa were helping Father Jim at the school.  So the first face she saw was her nightmare.

The nun did say a word to Mai.  "What do you need me to do?' she asked her in a soft quiet tone.  I need you to go to the market and pick up everything on this list.  I need this for the lunch menu." said Sister Agnes   "Really?  But Father Jim said I'm not allowed to leave.  It's dangerous out there." Mai explained.  "Well here's the money.  Get going." she muttered,  "Did you hear what I just said, it's dangerous out there." Mai repeated  "That's your problem, not mine, that's what happens when you get knocked up by a black man.  Now get out of here." said Sister Agnes as she pushes her out the door.

"Wow, how did you become a nun?" asked Mai as Sister Agnes slams the door in her face.

Mai's heart began to race.  Beating so fast that her hands were shaking.  She walked down the road with her head down.  Hoping that she wouldn't be recognized by anyone who's looking to hurt her.   Leon's family was fighting the system, and Mai was the only witness willing to talk, that's if she stays alive long enough to testify.

She made it to the market with no problems at all, but turning home was a whole different story.  Mai was carrying three bags, that was kind of heavy for her, being that she was nine months pregnant.  She took her time walking down the road, making sure she didn't trip and fall again.  

When she arrived at the main highway two blocks from the convent.  She heard a speeding car coming in her direction.  She quickly jumps onto the thin sidewalk in time, dropping one of her bags.   

"Hey, fat nun move out of the way!" screamed Rick out the window.   Then he realized, that nun looks pregnant, not fat.   "Dude turn the car around now!  I think it's that bitch, with the black baby." said Rick  "You kidding me?" said John who was in the back seat.   "Well, my aunt told me she was still in town. As a matter a fact, she asked me to come down this road, at this particular time." said Brain  "Oh, shit, your nun aunt is a badass, she set the bitch up for us. Do a U-turn now!" yelled John as the car quickly slid to one side and made a quick U-turn.

Mai was done picking up the groceries when again she heard the car returning full speed.   She grabbed the bags and started to run down the road.   Brain began to blow the horn, while Rick and John screamed out the window.  "Run little bitch as fast as you can, cause if we catch up to you, we will squash you ass! they said as they giggle and laugh as they got closer.

Mai ran for her life when she tripped and fell to the ground.  He stomach hit the ground pretty hard, that Mai began to have contractions, thinking that it was pain from the fall.   She began to pick up items while putting them back into the bags.  Then someone stepped on her knuckles.  

"Hey, nun are you a virgin?' asked Brian as he stepped on her hand.   "Please, you're stepping on my hand." she whispered  "Oops, sorry my bad. Let me help you with the bags." he said as he picked up the bags and handed them to hear.  Then suddenly he screamed, "Guys, it's her, the nigger lover!" he yelled as he pushed her into her face.   Mai flew back and hit the ground hard.   

"Dude, man, I'll help it up a man, but a woman, that's not me," said Rick as he got into the car to wait.   "Dude come back here!" yelled Brain as he kicks Mai on her back.   Mai screamed in pain as she tried to get off the ground while John kicked her back down.

Then they heard some gospel music coming down the road.  It was Sister Theresa and Sister Victoria.  They were going to the market to pick up the same items that Mai already had brought.

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