Bad Luck In Georgia

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Sister Theresa and Sister Victoria saw Mai from down the road.  "Sister Theresa, it that Mai?" she asked as she pointed in Mai's direction.  Sister Theresa took a better look, "My goodness, what in the world is she doing out here?" she asked as they both began to run towards her.

"Sister Theresa, I'm sure Sister Agnes has something to do with this." said Sister Victoria   "Don't jump to a conclusion until we get to the bottom of this," said Sister Theresa  as they finally reach Mai

When the boys saw the two nuns running in their direction, Brain and John jumped into the car and took off.  He drove the car one block up the road and watch from a distance.

Mai was still picking up the groceries while crying.  "My god, what is wrong with these people, I see why, this world must come to an end.  There's more evil than good," she mutters as she held onto her stomach as she stood up off the ground.   "Mai, my child, what are you doing out here?  You know it's dangerous," said Sister Victoria as she helps her up.

"You know Father Jim told you not to come out here." explained said Sister Theresa  "I know, but Sister Agnes said this was my job for today," explained Mai  "What? She's the one, that sends you out here.  What's wrong with her, she knows you can get hurt out here." said Sister Victoria as she picked up the bags.

Sister Victoria glanced at Sister Theresa and shook her head.  They both knew at that moment that Sister Agnes set Mai up to get hurt.  They didn't say one word, as they helped Mai back to the convent.  All they need was half of the block to be safe at the convent.   Then the sound of the speeding car was behind them again.  The nuns moved out of the way, but Mai stood there, wanting to get hit.  Sister Theresa grabbed her off the road, as they both fell to the ground.  "Mai, that not the answer." said the nun as she helps her back up.  

"Then what is the answer?  You nuns just try to get me to kill.  It seems to me that my baby and I aren't' safe anywhere in this town.  The sooner I'm out of here the better." she said as they began to run the half of block need to get to the convent.  The boys were on their trail, driving up onto the sidewalk trying to hit all three ladies.   "Shit look at these bitches go!  I didn't know that nuns and whores are able to run that fast!' Rick yelled out the window as they continue behind the ladies. 

The ladies finally made it to the door, when they started to throw full soda cans at them, hitting Sister Victoria and knocking her right out.  That second the doors of the convent opened up, and Sister Agnes stands at the entrance.  "What's going on here?  You ladies forgot your keys?" she asked with a smirk.  "You see what I have in my hands, right? We didn't forget anything, now with all due respect, please move out of our way." Sister Theresa said as she shoved her out the way and they enter closing the door behind them.

"How rude, Father Jim will hear about this," said Sister as she grins a smile and walks towards the kitchen.

Then Mai let out a loud scream.  She was beginning to have labor pains.  Sister Theresa ran and placed the bags on the kitchen table.  Then she ran back to help Sister Victoria take Mai back to her room.

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