Bad Luck In Georgia

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Sister Victoria took the baby to the bathroom where she fixes a tub with a little bit of warm water to clean little Chase.  Sister Theresa finished cleaning Mai up, then gave her a sedative to help her relax.  Mai quickly fell fast asleep.

Once Sister Victoria was done bathing the baby, she needs to a small room, which Sister Theresa and herself prepare as a nursery.   When she walked out to the hallway, she crashes into Sister Agnes.  "So, she had her little bastard son.  I heard when you told her it was a boy.  May I see the little black thing?" she asked as she tried to pull the blanket to see the baby.   Sister Victoria moved her hand away.  "Why should you see him when you are already judging him?" she said as she turned to walk away.   

"Sorry, if you disagree with my beliefs," said Sister Agnes as Sister Victoria walked by her heading to the new nursery.  Then to her surprise, she was able to see the baby's hand.    "My goodness, she got lucky, the baby isn't black," she muttered loud enough that Sister Victoria heard her comment.  "She wasn't lucky at all. Stupid!  This baby is a white man-child.  So you can tell your nephew and his friends, the mistake that they made.  Even dough the man was innocent, to begin with." she said as she turned and entered the room.

Sister Agnes didn't have a comeback, she stood there in shock with her mouth wide open.   "By the way, close your mouth, before something fly in." Sister Victoria said as she closed the door behind her.

Then she feeds the baby and put him down to sleep.  "My Lord please give me.  I've to call Sister Agnes out of her name.  But she has a cold mean heart, I can't understand why is she a nun, she more of a gangster than a sister.  We are sure she set poor Mai up.  Please clear Mai path to safety." she muttered as she closes the door behind her and headed to the kitchen to start preparing dinner.

Sister Agnes had already started cooking the rice.  "So now that she had her baby when will she be leaving?" she asked as Sister Victoria walked into the kitchen area.

"Why do you want to know, do you need to get back to your nephew and inform him?" Sister Agnes replied with a mean grin.

"Don't be silly, I don't have nothing to do with the outside world," she said as she continues cooking.  "Sister Agnes, somehow you seem to have forgotten that God is among us, every evil will come back and smack you in the face.  Just wait and see," said Sister Victoria as she started to fried the chicken.

"That's right, so I don't have to answer to you," she replied as she turned her back.   The two nuns cook dinner side by side without saying another word to each other.

Sister Theresa was done, with Mai and the linen.   She went and took a shower and change your blooding garments, she then headed to the kitchen to help the others.

When she entered the kitchen she noticed the awkward silence.   She more or less knew the reason, but she didn't say a word.  She walked by Sister Agnes and rolled her eyes heading to the refrigerator, and started to work making the salad.   

"Sister Theresa how was Mai when you left her?" she asked with a pleasant smile.  "She doing great.  She's a very strong girl." she replied   "How about Chase, isn't he the cutest baby ever?" said Sister Victoria   "My goodness, he's gorgeous." replied Sister Theresa

The rest of the day was a little too quiet.  The student runs all ate and departed back to their rooms.  Sister Victoria, check and fed the baby.  While Sister Theresa checks and took her some food.  

When nighttime full, everyone in the convent was silently sleeping.  

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