Bad Luck In Georgia

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The following day, off the state of Georgia they all traveled.    They finally arrived in a little town call, Johnson.    'Mai, I've set you up to my mother bedroom.  Make yourself comfortable, you have seven months to live here, your baby arrives." said Leon  "Leon, thanks a lot for helping me." said Mai as she began to put her things away in the drawers.   

"Mai, why didn't you just tell Tom, he might not be angry.  The man does love you, maybe he'll be happy that you're expecting." said Leon  "I'm afraid, everyone in Hollywood, talks about me like I'm shit, sometimes I feel that Tom believe what he hears, not what I say." explained Mai  

"Still, I still think you should have told him.  Let me know when you are done putting your things away.   We need to go shopping for some food.  I want you to go with me, that way if you desire anything from the store, you won't get lost." explained  Leon    "Hey, let's go now, I can finish when we return." she said as she followed him out of the room.  "Hey, where's Timothy? " she asked when she noticed he was not home.   "He went to put deposits on the utility.  He should be here when we return," said Leon

They both headed out of the door to the grocery store.   They picked up everything they needed, they headed back to the house.    As they walk by the highway,  a black car pulled up with some young white college students.   "Hey, baby!  You are too pretty to be walking with that nigger!" yelled Brain out of the passenger's car window.    Leon and Mai didn't say a word, they kept on walking ignoring all the comments.

The driver got closer to them as they throw soda out the window, soaking Leon with soda.  "What the hell!  Shit, it's the seventies, not the sixth.   What the hell is wrong with these assholes." he said as he was trying to clean himself.   

The car suddenly reversed and out the window the threw some more garbage that landed all over Leon again.     "What the Fuck!" yelled Leon again   "What did you say, nigger!  Don't make me take that nigger lover away from you.  Believe me, once goes white she will never touch black again!" yelled John the driver   Leon was about to tell them off when Mai pulled him away,  "Looks let's just get out of here.  They're just looking for an excuse to hurt you.  Don't say anything and walk." she said as she held the bags tight as they cross the highway.   The men drove the cat quickly by them, almost hitting Leon with the car.  

"You saw that shit!  That motherfucker almost ran over me!" he yelled   "I saw, but you didn't get hit.  Look let's just get home.   I thought you said this is a good town." said Mai as they turned the corner and arrived at the house.   'So, I thought wrong, this is not what I remember." said Leon  "Leon you were young, our parents have the habit of shielding us from people,  this why all you remember our good times, for that's all you mother wanted you to remember." Mai explained as they entered the house.

Leon was really upset.   "Mai you should've let me hit that dick head," he said with anger in his voice.  "Really, don't you see that's what they wanted?  They wanted to hurt you, get you angry enough to fight, then they all jump you." she explained    Leon thought for a while, "Sorry about that, you're right.  Can you finish up here, I really want to get out of this cloth and take a shower, I spilled soda all in my hair." said Leon as she headed to the bathroom.   "You do that, I'll finish up here," said Mai  

Timothy walked into the house, "I'm back, guys check this out," he said as he walked in with some homemade soul food.    "My goodness what smells so good?" asked Mai as she began to help him with the bags.    "Honey, we have Chicken, greens, cornbread, and some mash potatoes.   I stopped over my Aunt Renee's house, and she was cooking.  You know she sells platters.    Where's Leon, he asked for her?" he asked as he began to set the table for three.  "He's taking a shower, let me help you," said Mai as she gave him a hand.   "Wait till he smells this food, he stops taking a shower and runs out here to eat," he said as he places the food all some large plates and placed them in the center of the table.

Timothy was right, down the steps came Leon, "Hey, I smell soul food.  Shit that smells good, the neighbors are going to kill me with this wonderful smells." he said when he realized that the fabulous smell was inside his house.  "Oh, shit how cool is this.  Timothy where didn't you get soul food at eleven, it's still early?" he asked as he made himself comfortable and sat down.  Timothy and Mai did the same.   

"Aunt Renee asked for you, she said you better go visit her." he said  "Oh, this is her cooking?" asked Leon   "Hey dude what happen to your face?" asked Timothy concerned for his cousin.   "Someone threw a can of soda out the car window and it happens to land on my face," explained Leon signaling Mai with his eyes not to say a word.  "Shit was it a full can?  Dude, your eye is black,"  asked Timothy as he passed the food down to Leon.  "Well, I guess it was, anyway that's not important, this will heal in no time.  Let's give thanks and eat before all this delicious food gets cold," he said as he changes the suggested    Mai glanced at him and shook her head, without saying a word, she continued to eat her food.

While they ate, Timothy somehow felt that Leon was lying to him.  Every now and then he would look at Leon with concern.   Mai kept her eyes on her food, hoping that Timothy doesn't ask her any questions.   "Hey, I need to tell you a couple of things about this town.  One thing never walks alone, they're still some bad prejudice people in these parts, that still use the N-word when we are spotted in the streets.  So, Mai, you and Leon must always travel together, or with me of course.  They're too many haters in this part of the state." explained Timothy knowing that they already experience the rudeness of the town's people.     

Leon still didn't say a word about what happened.  "Really, that's good to know," he said as he glanced at Mai as she glanced right back.   "Look I'm finished, I'm going to play some Atari, don't bother me.  Later," he said as he got up from the table and sat on the sofa to play his video game.

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