Bad Luck In Georgia

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Timothy and Mai continued eating.   Every now and then they would glance at each other.  "So, Mai how do you like it so far?" he asked her   "Well, I love being here with my two best men.  But Georgia, I still can't tell you what I feel about this town, but when I come to a conclusion, I will let you know." she replied with a smile.

"Did anything happen while I was gone?" he asked as he looked dead in her face.  Mai looks down at her food, "No, nothing happens, why do you ask?" he replied  "I don't know why I have a strange feeling you are lying to me.  What happened to Leon's face, was it really an accident?" he asked   "I don't know, asked him.  I'm done eating, I'm going to go play video games with Leon." she said as she stood up and headed to the living room.

That moment that Mai stood up,  Timothy knew something was very wrong.  He cleaned up the table, they also headed to the living room.  "Look, guys, I don't have a clue what happened to your face, but please, these lots of evil prejudice people left in this town.  Even some of the police officer is the same way.  So, please, please be careful and alert when you're out and about." he said as he also sat down, hoping to play winners.

Leon and Timothy looked at him and continued playing.  Well, days and weeks went by, Mai's stomach was showing a small bump.  It was boring inside so, Leon invited Mai to take a walk.  "Mai come, I want to show you the late where my brothers and I use to hang out, swimming all day," he said as they arrived a the late by foot.   

"Wow this is beautiful, so peaceful, I can see why you like it here, it's wonderful," she said as she sat down on the grass.  "Mai, have you call Tom at all since you been here?" he asked her   "No, he busy, I really don't want to bother him." he replied  "Mai what are you so afraid of?" he asked her  "Nothing, I'm not afraid of nothing!  Let's go back home.  All this water, made me want to go." she said as she stood up off the ground with Leo help of course.  

Leon, glanced at her while he helps her up.  "Mai, if you don't want to talk about it, just say so and when you're ready, let me know." he explained   "Really, good!  I don't want to talk about!  What is there to talk about.  I'm pregnant, the father doesn't want any children!  What is there to talk about?" he muttered as she walks down the wide road.  "Girl I'm sorry! Wait for me!" he yelled as he ran to catch up to her.  As they finally caught up to her, he hears a bitching voice.   "Oh!  Look what we found?  The yin and yang couple are arguing." screamed Brain out of the car window.

"Shit it's those assholes again." said Leon as he got close to Mai  "Don't say anything let's just walk." he replied   "I don't think we have a chose, they're four of them and two of us," he said not looking at the men as they continued walking.

"Oh, shit, Brain, look the bitch let that piece of black shit knock her up!" yelled John as he threw trash at them.   Mai and Leon walked and didn't say a word.  "Girl you are nasty!  Damn, so pretty and so nasty.  You should have gotten a white man.  Don't you know it's safer, right now you can be on the other side, not the Black said." said Brain as they drove the car slowly keeping up with their pace of walking.

"Look, why don't you leave us alone.  We didn't ask you to stop, did we?" she said in a mean tone.   "Bitch, we do want we want, my father is the sheriff around here, so watch what you say.   I can make it very difficult for you and your nigger friend," said John as he stuck his head out the window.

"Mai, keep quiet, don't say another word, and just walk," said Leon as he grabbed her by the arm and began to walk faster.   "Hey, the girls were talking to me, let her finish!" said Brian   

Mai looked at him and rolled her eyes, then turned and continued walking faster than before.   Another car came down the road,  "Hey, you kids, leave that couple alone!" yelled Father Jim out the car.    The young men quickly speed up and took off.

The father stopped the car in front of Mai and Leon.   "Are you two alright?" he asked  "Yes father, thank you." said Mai  "Those boys are the bad seeds of this town, with the law behind them. Get in I'll drop you off, just in case they decide to return." said Father Jim as he opened the car door for Mai and Leon hopped in the front seat.    

"Father, what are you doing out here?' asked Leon  "Well son, I'm run a convent four blocks up that road, if ever you need me for anything, feel free to look me up." he said with a heavily smile.   "Thank you, I'm Leon and this is Mia." said Leon introducing himself  "Young man I'm Father Jim everyone in these parts heard of me.   Look try to stay out of those boys way, they are bad news.  You are two good people, I don't want you to get hurt." said the father as he pulled up in front of Leon house.  "How did you know where we live?' he asked   "I knew who comes and goes in this small town.  Just remember what I said if you need me, feel free to come to see me." said the father.

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