Bad Luck In Georgia

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When they finish preparing the convent dinner, they all headed to the chapel for prayer.   Sister Theresa shows Mai how do walk with her hands folded in front of her.  She did just that as they walked down the hallway to the rectory.

Sister Agnes was walking right behind Mai when she deliberately stepped on the back of her dress knocking her down tot the floor.  Sister Theresa saw what happen, she couldn't believe what she has done.   "Oh, God, Mai let me help you up," said Sister Theresa as she helps her up and gave Sister Agnes a mean look.   "What happens?' Mai asked as she stood off, the floor.  "I happen to step on your dress, sorry it was an accident," said Sister Agnes as she grins and walked into the chapel.   The other nuns looked at her not believing what just happen.  They were entering the Chapel so everyone had to be quiet.     Mai didn't really know what happened, so she enters the chapel and kneels down to her the Father gospel.   But Sister Theresa just couldn't stop looking at Sister Agnes,  what she did was wrong, very wrong and she was making sure that Father Jim knew about it.

After prayers, everyone headed to the cafeteria when they had a buffet stay serving.  Everyone ate quietly.  When dinner was over.  Sister Agnes told Mai to go around and pick up the plates in a cart and take them back to the kitchen.   Sister Theresa was busy putting the leftovers away.  

Then Sister Agnes walked into the kitchen, "Sister Theresa, I need you to walk the girls back to their dormitory,  I'll finish up here." she said with a smile.   Sister Theresa didn't think anything of it, so she did as she was told.

Now, Mai was done placing the dishes in the cart.  She headed done the hall towards the kitchen when Sister Agnes walked up to her, "You're done, already?  Let me fix this for you," she said as she grabbed the cart filled with dirty dishes and tilt it over onto the floor.  Many dishes shatter making enough noise for Sister Vicotria to come running.    "Mai are you alright?" she asked as she began to help her pick up the good and broken dishes off the floor.  "I'm fine to thank you.  I'm sorry," she said as she glanced up at Sister Agnes who was standing at the kitchen entrance.   

"What happened?" asked Sister Victoria as she helped her.   "I don't know, I almost made it to the kitchen, but then the cart tilt to one side.  I'm really sorry," said Mai as she continued to clean up the mess and tears ran down her face.  "Hey, it's only a couple of broken dishes, no need to cry.  You, know maybe you're tired, go to your room and rest, you're done for today." said the sister  "But Sister Agnes said I must do this." she explained  "And I just said you must rest.  Go on child, I'll finish here." she suggested with a smile.   Mai glanced at Sister Agnes rolled her eyes and went on her way to her bedroom.

When Mai was gone, Sister Vicotria looked up at Sister Agnes, "Did you do this?" she asked  "Me, no, that girl is good for nothing, but to lay with a black man, that she knows how to do perfectly." said Sister Agnes as she walked out of the kitchen with a smile.   "God, forgive me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to have to keep an eye on her," she muttered to herself as she continued cleaning up the mess that Sister Agnes really made.

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