Bad Luck In Georgia

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Sister Victoria and Father Jim knocked on Sister Theresa bedroom door.   "Father Jim, I'm so happy to see, you this young lady friend needs help," said Sister Theresa  "Leon is your friend?" he asked as he extended his hand.  "I'm Father Jim, I dumped into your friend driving down the highway.  He's still alive, but one thing." he explained  "I'm Mai, tell me what you were about to say." she said   "You friend is paralyzed, I don't think he ever walks again.  But the good thing he's going to make it.  Can you tell me what happen?" asked the father.

Mai explained the predicament word for word.  Then Father Jim notice that Sister Agnes wasn't among them.  "May I asked where's Sister Agnes, she was supposed to be in charge in my absents?" he asked   "She in her room father." said Sister Theresa   "So why isn't she here to help?" he continued with the questions.  "Well....I'll let her tell you why." said the nun  "Father Jim, can to take me to the hospital to see my friend?' asked Mai  

 "I don't think that's a good idea, the further you stay away from him the better.   He's not able to talk, you are and those boys are dangerous.  You may stay here until you have your baby.  Then I'll find a way to get you and your child out of this town safely.   Now finish your food, one thing, every woman that you see are nuns, if you stay here you must do all the study and attending the classes on the other side of the building.  Are you willing to learn the word of God?' he asked her  "Father, I do believe in God, He has saved me serval times.  If will be my pleasure to learn more about him.  Thank you for helping my friend and helping me." she replied  "Good, now Sister Victoria go tell Sister Agnes that we need her in the kitchen.   "Sister Theresa set the young lady up in a room of her own.  She'll be staying here for a while." said the Father as he headed to the Kitchen.

Sister Victoria went to let Sister Agnes know that the Father requested her presence.   Sister Theresa set Mai up in the guest room next to hers.  She wanted to be close to her by just in case Mai went into labor.  

"Sister Theresa, thank you for saving my life.  If my friend is in bad condition, image what they would have done to me if you didn't come to my rescue.  I owe you my life, thank you." she said as she gave the sister a hug.

"My child, we are all God's children, it was my duty to help you." she replied  "Sister Agnes didn't think that way." she replied,  "Sister Agnes thinks in her own way.  Don't think bad of her, she's a really good person." Sister Theresa explained    "Don't worry, I knew she has to be a kind heart, and a good person, how else will she became a nun." said Mai with a smile.

Sister Theresa smiles and handed her some nuns clothes.  "Put this on, we are all virgins here, we need to hide your belly, show respect to those women with purity.  You may take a shower, get ready to help in the kitchen.  I'll be back in half an hour to show you the way." he explained as she walked out closing the door on her way out.

"Thank you," she said as she grabbed the clothing and headed to the bathroom.  She took a shower and stood a while in the mirror staring at her black eye.  "Poor Leon, God please help him, help him get justice, without me, for I knew they will kill me if I talk," she said as she kneels down and prayed for her friend well-being.

Now, Sister Victoria knocks on Sister Agnes door.   "What brings you to my door?' she asked   "Father Jim will like to speak to you.  He's in the kitchen waiting." she said   "What is all this about?" she asked as she followed Sister Vicotria down the hallway.   "Well, I think you know." said the nun   "This is about that girl, isn't it?" she asked   "You know it," said Sister Vicotria as they were about to enter the kitchen.

"Oh, well", she said as they enter the kitchen.   "Father Jim I understand you needed to talk to me?" she asked.  "Yes, Sister Agnes, I left you in charge of the convent in my absence, jet when I arrived you were nowhere to be found.  Why is this?' he asked   "Well, Sister Theresa and I had a disagreement.  She let that pregnant girl inside, knowing she was being pursued by the Sheriff's son and his friends.   I told not to open the door.   She didn't listen to the Father, so I left to my room and left her in charge." explained the sister   "Why?" asked the Father  "Excuse me, Father, I don't understand?" she asked   "Why didn't you help that girl?' he finished his question.  

"The girl was with a child, if something would happen to that child in the convent it'll be our responsibility.  To my understanding, you once told me to avoid anything that has to do with those evil boys.  I was just doing as you asked." she said  "As I asked?  Are you serious?  I've never asked you to leave a child out in the street of danger.  Since you didn't want her here, maybe because she's expecting a baby, whatever was the real reason you had made that decision, it doesn't matter now.  I want you to help Sister Theresa with Mai.   She Mai around gives some chores to do, and get to know her since you didn't want to save her.  Talking about the young lady.  Do you feel better now Mai?' asked the Father when he noticed Sister Theresa and Mai walking into the kitchen.  "Oh, my goodness!  What is she doing in that clothes?' Sister Agnes said disagreeing with what she saw.  

"The young lady needs to be safe, and safe she will be in those clothes.  Those boys will be around spying to find a way to hurt her again.  With this she will blend in, and not be spotted." explained Father Jim   "Father, you know it's wrong, she not even a virgin." said Sister Agnes  "I know, but she also God's child, she arrived at our door for a reason.  God send her here to be saved, and she will be.  Now this subject is close.  Give her something to do, I'll be at the Chapel preparing for mass.  Sister and Mai, we talk sometime later." said the father as he left the kitchen.    

The Sister looks at each other without saying a word about the subject.  Mai felt bad, knowing that Sister Agnes didn't want her around.  But she hides what she was feeling, "So, what can I do to help?' she asked    Sister Agnes looked at her and began to take out the vegetables and placing them on the table in front of Mai.   "Here you go child, cut all these vegetables for our dinner salad." she explained   "Wow, really this is a lot of vegetables?' she asked with a smile  With a mean expression, "We must feed all the convent students.  There are fifty students nuns, and they are all virgins." replied Sister Agnes as she began to cook the chicken.    Mai looked at her and rolled her eyes, "Yes, I know they all virgins, that's the only way they can become a nun.  Sister Agnes, I'm sorry that I'm pregnant.  I'm not contagious, you know." she explained  "Really? it's still wrong." she said as she turned her back and continued to fry her chicken.

Mai was going to respond to her comment, but Sister Theresa put her finger to her lips, signaling her to stop talking and that she did.   They cut and dice up the vegetables then place them in a very large salad bowl.   The nuns and Mai continued preparing dinner without saying another word.

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