Bad Luck In Georgia

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The nuns hurry down the hallway.  Mai began to scream louder, she was now having labor pains.  Her screams were heard a mile away.   

Brain parked in front of the convent.  He and his evil friends began to break windows one by one.  "Hey, nuns!  If you give us what we want, we'll go away.  Come on girls, Father Jim is nowhere around, we knew that he went out of town to pick up supplies.  So, ladies, it's you and us.  So you either work with us or get beat up by us.  And really I prefer you give us that bitch, it's not in my nature to hurt nuns." yelled Brain  "Give the bitch up, or I'm going to keep breaking every window I see.  Then once I'm done that, I will burn the place down with all you virgin's inside, who knows, I might just take a couple of them for myself." said John as he continued breaking the windows.  

"Sister Agnes run to Mai room.  She walked in screaming, "You see what you've done, your sins are going to get all of us killed."    Sister Theresa gave her a dirty look, but before she was able to say anything, "You white prejudice bitch, get the hell out of my sight!" she yelled as her pain got stronger.    "I've never!" said Sister Agnes   Then Sister walked up to her, "It's wrong to strike others, but if you don't do as she says, I will put my holy hands on you, more than once. Get out now!" she yelled as she slammed the door behind her.

"I will tell Father Jim about this!" she said as she walked back to the front door.  She opened the door, "Boys, I've tried but, she in labor.  I'll call you whenever she about to leave.  Then you can do whatever, but you can't keep breaking the convent's windows.  When winter comes we will all freeze." she explained  "You better call us, cause if you don't I will tell my dad and believe me, you will all be out on the streets before winter." said Brain as they all went back to the car.  Then he speeded down the road heading home.

Sister Agnus locked the front door and walked to Mai's room.  She stood outside the door, eavesdropping.  She could hear the other nuns coaching Mai when to breath and when to push.   Then after an hour of her sitting in the hallway, she heard a baby's cry.  "It's a boy Mai!  "You were right," said Sister Theresa with a happy smile as she cut the umbellic cord and clean him up a little.  She then wrapped him up in a white pillow case and handed the baby to Mai.  "Hey, little buddy, we did it, you're here," she whispered to the infant as she kisses him.

"Mai, do you have a name picked out?" asked Sister Victoria   "Yes, his name is Chase." she replies  "Chase?  Where did you get his name from?" she asked  "Well, evil be chasing me for months, Chase, just fits him.

"Mai, get some rest.  Sister Theresa and I will finish cleaning little Chase up, we'll fix him a bottle, get some rest, you're going to need it," said Sister Victoria

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