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hello world  <3 -_-


-Taehyung's POV-

I woke up to the loud chirping of the birds out side and the sun's rays in my eyes. I tilted my head to check the time.


"oh shit!" I yelled as i jumped out of my bed and head to the bathroom as i quickly cleaned myself up, i had only 15 minutes left till class begans. Lucky for me , I only live two blocks from the school. I grabbed a picec of bread and ran out the door to school. 

Five minutes left i said looking at my watch, dashed past the first block, the school was in sight now, staning by the gate was Jungkook. 'What is he doing there?' I asked myself. I looked at my watch again to see the time, 2 minutes left, pushed myself a little harder till i coundnt move any faster.


I felt pain through my  right leg, and dropped to the ground. I saw Jungkook running towards me and then i went blank.

-Jungkook's POV-

I saw Taehyung running to the gate with about 2 minutes left till school starts. He's usally early so i stood by the gates wondering where he was. Taehyung was running so fast until i heard a loud bang and he feel to the ground. I relized what happened in my side as i ran to him, i didnt see a person there, exept the car driving away quickly. I ran to taehyung on the road with blood coming out of his leg, i called the ambulance and tryed to wake him up in the progress.

The ambulance arrived, taking my taetae and i with it to the hospital. I called the school to inform that this had happened to Taehyung.

"So Jeon Jungkook is with Kim Taehyung at the hospital?" the reciptionist asked.

"Yes." i answered.

"I will inform both his parents." The reciptionist said before she cut the phone on me. I didnt get the chance to reject. who knows what could happen if Taehyungs parents showed up! I sat in the lonely hallways waiting to see Taetae, I signed as a docter came out of the room Taehyung was in.

"Hi! Are you Jeon Jungkook, Mr.Kim's boyfriend?"I nodded lowly, that term of me to Taehyung hasn't been used in a while. "I am Dr. Mark Tuan, I have information for you about your boyfriend." He stated.

"He had a bullet throught is leg and there was alot of blood lose" i gasped with worries on my face, "uh. It's ok now, we got that cover." he countinused as i sighed in relife. "and sorry to say this, but he is in a coma out of shock." I think my heart had stopped working for a bit, I choked on my own saliva and looked at the docter with glassy eyes. "he probably will stay like that for a little while. I think it won't last long since it's just a shock coma. But take care of him." he warned,  I still was stuck at the part about his coma, How? i thought.


Is this to short?

I dont know where im going to go with this story but oh well.

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