Chapter 22

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Jeon Jungkook's POV

"Cute," I was on my bed, thinking about the girl again.

Her personality is really cute and stupid. It would be a lie if I say she's the same as Jessie. Jessie is the exact opposite, quiet and smart.

"what are you laughing about?," Jimin came into the room suddenly, drying his wet hair.

"yah! you scare me!" I jumped out from my bed.

"weird.... well,i seldom see you like that." Jimin frowned.

"it's nothing, goodnight!" I quickly pull my blanket up and cover my face.

I honestly do not want anything to happen between me and that girl, no more getting hurt.

Ara Tuan's POV

"Do you all know why are you practicing so hard when it's only your first week here?," Mr Sihyuk said.

"No," 4 of us shook our head.

"there is a little surprise for all of you here," He smirked.

"you 4 will be showing yourself for the first time to the whole of Korea, by BTS next concert at Busan stadium next week."
( A/N I don't even think this stadium exist but it's just a story so...keke)

"what! really?," Momo exclaimed.

"yes, each of you will showcase your dance with 4 of the Bangtan members. Making a couple together, dancing." He replied.

"this is....I could not believe this! this is too sudden!," Joey shouted.

"Good luck! Your partner was already decided, here is the list." Mr Sihyuk passed us the paper.





(A/N Hello! Before the story starts, please watch the youtube video of the dance I put at the top of this chapter. That will be the dance Jungkook and Ara will be dancing)


"Jimin....and me....Jimin oppa!" Momo was blushing badly.

"whose freaking idea is this!" I screamed at Momo.

Jungkook, and me? Really?

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Jungkook, and me? Really?

"what! You don't like Jungkook?," Momo raised her brows.

"we both got into a conflict last night," I scratched the back of my head.

"Serious? What happened?,"

I explained every single thing that happened yesterday to her,

"Goodluck Ara!" She could not stop laughing.

Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook. That bastard that made fun of me.


"i can't believe we are gonna work together," Jungkook rolled his eyes at me.

"do you think I wanted it?" I turn away, not making any eye contact with him.

"ah, let's see....this dance is a little..," I watched the video of the cheoreographers dancing to the song we are going to learn.

"sexual?" Jungkook finished my sentence.

"no...., I mean yeah,maybe." I started blushing but luckily, I was not facing him.

"are you blushing?," Jungkook mocked.

"no? who say i am!" I was cursing myself mentally.

"your face," he laughed.

"shut up, let's start practicing!" I quickly changed the topic.


"no, it's this way! stupid." Jungkook corrected me and kept scolding me, yeah i'm stupid, really stupid.

We trained for almost 2 hours straight and decided to take a rest. The practice room was empty and quiet. It was really awkward for the both of us as we kept quiet, sitting down beside each other for almost 5 minutes.

"Ara,you actually looked like one of my friend." Jungkook suddenly spit out.

Friend? Is it the girl named Jessie? Should I ask him or not?

"Jessie?" I replied, making eye contact with him.

"What!? How do you know her?," Jungkook went closer towards me.

I kept quiet and did not dare to answer him, a little afraid of him again.

"Is it Jimin?" He asked, his eyes were wet again. What the.....again?

"Yeah." I looked away from him.

"I knew it." He laughed it off.

"What was your relationship with her? And why does everyone think I was her?" I frowned.

"She was my girlfriend. You really does looked like her, and in fact, a lot, and. She passed away years ago." He tried to act like his fine.

So she really did passed this the reason why Jungkook behaved so coldly towards me?

"Why? what happened?" I asked, slowly getting into it.

"Shut up, you don't need to know." He threw the bottle he was holding onto the floor and walked away.

What is wrong with him again? Having serious period mood swings?

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