Chapter 6

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Listen to the OST song video I put up on the media section!^ It suits this chapter so enjoy😉💓

Jeon Jungkook's POV

    I woke up and my head hurts, I guessed I probably had a hangover. I looked at my surrounding and realized I'm actually in a hospital room.

   "Excuse me, do you know why I'm sent here?" I asked the nurse that walked past my bed. "Someone found you at an alley and your whole body was filled with bruises." She answered. " Do you know who is it?" I asked. "He didn't leave his contact number down but he had pink hair and looked quite handsome." Her face started blushing at the thought of him. I thanked her and decided to forget about yesterday incident. I thought I really saw Jessie. It must be my illusion because I drank. I decided to call Namjoon and he escaped from school and rushed to the hospital quickly. He is actually my older cousin and I trust him a lot. I would call Jimin down but.... Things were getting awkward between both of us.

"Why did you drank so much?!" Namjoon started nagging at me and scolded me for offending a gang leader. "Its not my fault, his girlfriend seduced me first." I defended myself because I couldn't stand his nagging anymore. " Do you think Jessie will like it if she knew you drank so much and got beaten by so many people?Look at those bruises." "Can you don't talk about her?!" I shouted. I got angry at the fact that he dragged Jessie in. I really don't want to hear her name anymore. My mood went down again and I decided to walk away. Namjoon stood there, dumbfounded.

    I went to Gangnam street to take a walk as it was a Monday morning and it was not very crowded. I realized I actually skipped school for 2 months already and I might get expelled if I don't attend school next week. My brothers were forcing me to go back to school. I really can' reminds me of her a lot. I walked into a cap shop and I remembered Jessie and me used to came here when we were dating...I used to be happy. "Hi jungkook! Why are you alone today? Where is your girlfriend?" The shop owner suddenly said. It hits me hard. How should I reply to that question? "She passed away months ago." I said and faced her. "Omg. I'm so sorry! Seriously...." The shop owner looked really guilty and keep bowing to me. "Its okay....I should go, bye." I got out of the shop. Why?....Because It started hurting again.

                       2 days later,     I decided to get back to school as I knew I can't hide and run away from reality forever

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                       2 days later,
    I decided to get back to school as I knew I can't hide and run away from reality forever. Everyone gives me stares and gossips were everywhere when I came back to school. My brothers tried to help me and they got angry whenever people started to gossip about me. I actually don't really care about gossips and stares. I know it's normal. " I wonder what was he doing for the past 2 months? I pity him...." "Everyone knew how much he loved Jessie....Hais he's really unlucky." I heard all these gossips everywhere and I got used to it. Everyone pity me.

    I sat at my original seat and looked out of the window like how I always did, waiting for Jessie to walk pass my class at the corridor. My teacher suddenly walked over to me and whispered in my ears. "Jungkook...ah. Jessie won't walk past the class anymore, stop looking outside." My teacher knew everything that happened and I knew she tried her best not to hurt me. " I just reminded me of her." I acted fine and faked a smile. She patted my shoulders and walked off. All of my classmates looked at us and frowned,they must be thinking whats between our conversation. Jimin looked at me and raised his eyebrows, hinting to ask what happened. I shook my head at him and indicated him that it's nothing.

[A/N] HELLO! It's another boring chapter but please vote for it! I will skip a few years for the later chapters~ ❤

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