Chapter 18

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Ara Tuan's POV

The concert is about to start as the fans were ready and seated. "I am so excited,Ara!!" Momo screamed. Suddenly, a few girls near us was 'whispering' and staring at us but I still clearly could hear them. "They seem familiar....I think I saw them on a YouTube video before..." Huh? What are they saying? We sure didn't.....They must have recognize the wrong people.

The whole stadium blacked out and fans started screaming louder. "IS IT STARTING?" I exclaimed as I got really excited too. wonder fans attend concerts. BTS song started to play while shadows of 7 of them were stood behind a curtain and the fans' screams were crazy.
(A/N IMAGINE BTS-NOT TODAY started playing)

They were super different as they sure looked cool as heck on stage. "JUNGKOOK OPPA!!!" One of the girls near me screamed so loudly as V winked at her. Wah, that was really strong. I think she nearly fainted.
The concert was coming to an end as BTS started singing their last song for the night, Butterfly. The song was really emotional as the one that catches my attention the most was actually Jungkook. He was really into the song and I didn't know why, I could actually feel his emotions clearly. Too bad, he was such an ass to me.

The concert ended as I quickly pull Momo out from the stadium first before Jimin noticed me

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The concert ended as I quickly pull Momo out from the stadium first before Jimin noticed me. "It was really really fun!" Momo said as I agree. It was really fun. "Hi, are you Momo and Ara?" Momo and I turned around and saw a man with suit walking towards us. "You are?" Momo frowned. "I heard that you both are from the famous Performing Arts University and you two are one of the elite students. Momo and I looked at each other and raised our brows, " are?" I answered. "I am the PD of Big hit company, My name is Bang Sihyuk. I actually created BTS." He started boasting a lot but he seems like a really kind person. "Oh my god....really? So how do you know us?" Momo answered. "Don't you know that you both are famous among the music industry? Lots of companies wanted to contact both of you after the video of you both singing and dancing was uploaded last week."
"What are you saying...we didn't upload anything." We both were actually scared that moment. He showed us the video and it was someone filming us in the practice hall while we were practicing....WHO DID THAT?!

"This video is currently 1M views. Don't you guys know!?" Mr Sihyuk said. "ARE YOU SERIOUS? JUST IN A WEEK?" Both of us exclaimed together as we both looked at each other, shocked at what is currently happening."So are you interested in joining our company?" He passed us his namecard and smiled. "Our company needs talented people like you both. I am considering to create a new idol girlgroup, consisting of 4 people that are talented and goodlooking. Both of you are the ones that I was looking for." His smile became wider. "I see..." I replied. "If you both are interested, please contact me and I will contact my manager to take you both a trip to our company and sign the papers for our contract.Okay,I will take a leave now." He said and bow. "Thank you." We both bow back.

"Oh my god! I can't believe it! How did we even managed to got choosen by a company everyone wanted to get audition in?" Momo said as I was still shocked. "I am curious at the fact that why didn't we know that someone took a video of us and uploaded it...we are really stupid!" I answered.

A/N HELLO!SORRY FOR THE REALLY LONGLONG UPDATE AND I PROMISE YOU THAT I WILL UPDATE OFTEN XOXO💗 (more exciting things will happen soon to Ara!What do you think it is?)

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