Chapter Sixteen: Lunch

Depuis le début

"Ha, I knew it I knew it," she sang. "Now pay up," she demanded and Nichole and Raquel sulkily took out $20 bills and handed them into Nicholete's waiting hands.

"Wait why are they paying you?," I asked her as a frown grew upon my face.

"Oh well we knew you guys would get together we just knew it would be a matter of time before that happened. So we decided to make things interesting and made a bet on when it would happen and I was the closest," she then proceeded to continue her earlier dancing. 

"I can't believe you guys betted on us. And how long have you guys known we liked each other?" I started in a deep range, but ended with a deep blush.

"Oh for like, ever. You guys are so obvious with your actions it's pretty hard to not tell. You'd have to be blind to not see," she said very confidently.

I looked over at Liam and was surprised to see a faint blush on him too. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one. I turned back to the girls.

"Why didn't you ever tell us or you know me, your best friend," I said in shock that they would hide such a big secret from me.

"Oh yeah, just like you told us you guys are dating huh," she raised an eyebrow.

"T-that's different...I-I..was busy and...,"I sighed."Fine a truce then?"

"Sure just make sure to tell us things like that sooner," then she jumped on me, giving me a huge hug. "My best friend has a boyfriend!!!" she kept on screaming. I could now see that others were giving us some weird looks. Especially, since that Raquel joined in too.

     And as for Nichole? Well she was harassing 'said boyfriend' saying things like,"If you ever hurt her, I'll find out where you live." Who needs a protective dad when you have a Nichole?

       It wasn't until first bell rang that everyone started to sober up and left for class. Not including Liam, fortunately so we walked into class together and found some seats nearby. The day went by decently fast, along with the every so often glances from Liam when we saw each other. The day seemed to be one of the greatest days I've had so far and I was loving every second of it. It wasn't until a text message I received when things seemed to change course.

    It was from Luke and I almost forgot all about what I told him yesterday because of what happened afterward. It said, I'll be waiting by the lunch doors for you :) . I responded back with a see you there. I decided to take my time getting there though because I was nervous for what everyone else would think of him since Liam got so jealous the day before. Hopefully everything goes smoothly. 

I met Luke by the doors just like he said and I walked him to our lunch spot. There we were met with 10 pairs of eyes. Two of them from a not-so-happy Liam.

"Hey guys, this is Luke and he's new to the school so I decided to let him sit with us," I began to introduce everyone to him. "That right there is Nichole and her boyfriend Damon. In front of them is Nicholete and her boyfriend Jagger. Next to them is Raquel and in front of her is Liam.. my boyfriend." I smiled at Liam and when he looked at me, his eyes began to soften from their once before glare and he too smiled back. I immediately forgot everyone else and went to sit next to him. I was about to say something to him when I was interrupted by a tap on my shoulder. I looked towards the culprit and saw Luke staring at me.

"Do you mind if I sit next to you?" he asked in a super adorable voice.

"Of course," he smiled at me warmly and sat down.

I felt an arm wrap around my waist and turned to see Liam glaring again at Luke. I just pushed his arm off and gave him a look. He then gave me a surprised look,"But-"

"No buts, be nice," I demanded, annoyed by his actions. I thought we went through this yesterday. I turned back to Luke and asked how his day went so far.

"Good, I think I'm sort of getting used to the school, but I still have a hard time finding my way around."

"Well if you ever need help next time, I'm always here if need me," I said.

He grabbed my hands and said," That would be great, thanks. You know you have been so nice to me. You're the only one who's talked to me since I arrived and you've been such a help."

"Oh, it's no problem. I wasn't about to let you struggle and besides, everyone needs a friend from time to time right?"

"Right," he said smiling at me.

I heard Liam get up from his seat and announce he was going to the bathroom. Damon, surprisingly got up after him. 

"Hey does your boyfriend not like me or something?" he said looking genuinely hurt.

"Liam's just having a hissy fit, don't worry about him he'll get over it," I said shaking my head. "Trust me it's not that he doesn't like you, I bet when he's feeling better you guys might even hit it off."

"Oh, well I hope we do," he said, but I thought I caught a hint of sarcasm in his tone. It was gone just as fast as it appeared though so I dismissed it. A few moments later both guys came back, but it seemed that Liam was in a much better mood.

"Hey Brooke, sorry for the way I was acting. Damon talked some sense into me and I've decided to stop acting so childish," I looked over at Damon and he just nodded his head.

"Well that's good to hear then," Liam smiled at me and took a hold of my hand. We ate in silence after until the bell rang. When we got up I said goodbye to Luke. I was amazed to see Liam say goodbye to him too.

"Damon what did you say to him?" I asked in shock.

"Just gave him a little bit of advice I guess."

"Wow, you work wonders then," he just shrugged.

Liam came back to me afterward and I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks for doing that."

He smiled and we walked to class. I must figure out Damon's ways, I thought.


Author's Note-

I may be updating on Saturdays too from now, but that's not a promise! Hope you liked the extra story for the week and don't judge the song choice because honestly I just found it sooooooo. Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Share. Bye!!!

Until then, Kaylee

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