Meeting Spencer

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  • Dedicat a The Wanted

                                                                          Nathan's POV

       "Help!!! Please?" I heard a scarred voice. "Get off me!" I heard it again.  I followed the voice, wanting to help. I looked down the alley's on the side of the club me and the boys were at that night. I didn't look real hard all I saw was some hobo's shadows. So I decided to go back in the club and forget about it. I sat next to Siva and chatted for a bit until this girl came over and dragged him out to the floor. I looked around for the rest of the boys. Tom was practically having sex with some blondy grinding him and Jay was laughing at something Max said. Eventually Max and Siva had to help Jay and Tom out of the club. Siva and Max handled them and I just walked behind the four.  I still had my mind on what happened earlier when I went out to get some fresh air.  Was that girl okay?

       Then I heard cries through Tom and Jay's drunk chatter. Siva and Max didn't seem to hear them so I just backed out and went to where the sound was. Then I saw the prettiest and  saddest face in the world.  She had blue-green eyes, covered with dripping mascara which ran down her peach cheeks. She had messy blonde hair and was wearing a plain black oversized T- shirt that was ripped on her stomach and back in jagged lines. It hit about to her knees, and she had short leggings on that went past the middle of her shin. Her shoes caught my eye, they were bright blue converse. She had a bag slung over her shoulder and was limping.

        I walked over to her as calmly as possible trying not to scare her anymore than she already was. She looked at me and started backing slowly as possible. Great she scarred of me! I thought.

"Do you-u neeed something?" She spoke, her voice cracking.

"Sorry, did I scare you? You look sad I just want to help. I'm Nathan. You could call me Nath if you'd like." Was I coming off too strong? I was just trying to be extra nice to her, mostly cause of the state she was in.

"Nice meeting you, Nathan. I'm am uh Spencer." She was trying to hold herself together I could tell.

"Are you okay? Cause you look like you have been crying, and I don't like seeing pretty girl's upset." I asked her, hoping she didn't think I was some creep cause of my last line.

"Honestly, no. I am really tired, and my- uh he left me here. I don't think I have anywhere to go." Spenc said. Wow really Nathan! You meet this upset beautifully girl and your giving her a nickname already! You don't even know her!

"You could come and stay with me, I promise I'm not some kind of crazed rapist or anything! I live with my ban- friends. We are all a nice bunch of guys." She flinched and I saw another tear roll down her cheek after I said rapist. Uh oh. Please tell me she wasn't.

"Um, okay. Thank you Nathan. This is really nice of you." YES! She was staying at my place! I didn't plan on trying anything, knowing Tom he might do something. I am going to keep Spenc as far away from him as possible until he gets that I don't want him messing with her.

I noticed the boys hadn't gone too far away, most likely because of Jay's constant falling. Spencer got closer to me and I saw that she had cuts where her shirt had been ripped. She had a hickey on her neck, and five bruises across both of her wrists the size of my fingers. I felt sick, and angered that anyone would do something this horrible to a sweet girl like her.  We caught up to them and none of the boys asked about Spencer or why she was driving home with us.

On the way home, I saw tears stream down her face as she looked through the window and out on the streets.

"It's alright now, I understand. I'll protect you." I whispered in her ear on our way back home.

She just nodded and let the rest of the tears fall onto her shirt.

We arrivied to our house, I let the boys go in first to settle down and we went straight to my room when we entered the house.

"Nathan Thank you so so much for letting me stay with you tonight. You are so kind." Spenc said to me.

"Of course. So, why are you upset anyway?" It sounded snarky when it came out and fairly bossy.

"Sorry I didn't mean it like that." I apoligized right away.

"It's ok. Can I tell you later? Please?"

"Yes, whenever you feel ready to. Do you want something to drink?"

"Yes please, may I just have water?" Spenc is so polite!

"Sure! I'll be back in a minute." I went downstairs to the kitchen and pured her some water.

"OW!" I heard Spenc gasp on my way back up, I ran over to her.

" Are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?" I said little to fast and a little too concerned.

"I just uh, tripped and fell. That's all Nathan." She answered, I looked down at her and noticed that her cuts were worse than I thought. I took her into the bathroom and she looked confused. I reached above her towards the cabinet where the bandaids and cream was for her scratches, she flinched when I put my hand past her, as I grabbed everything she needed.

"Um, Nathan what are you going to do?" Spenc asked,she's curious.

"Fix your cuts, babe. It shouldn't hurt much." Uh oh should I have called her babe? Whatever...

"Um okay thank you." She looked nervous.

I patched her up, as I did I noticed she had bruises all over her back. wanted to punch something to get my anger out.  Or better, who ever did that to her. I calmed down once I heard her voice.

"Nathan, may I sleep? I don't feel well." Spenc wondered

"Yeah! Do you want to sleep in my room or in one of the guest rooms?"

"Whatever is more convient for you." She faked a smile

"Well since we just met, I will show you the guest rooms." I smiled a sad smile at her.

"Good thinking." She answered for once, not sounding overly polite.

I handed her a long shirt of mine for her to wear in bed since her clothes were ripped up and flithy. I looked for a pair of pants for her, but she was too small to wear any of my pants. She thanked me. I left her in there to change

"Spencer? Could I come in?" I said as I knocked on the door. She didn't answer and I was worried, I walked in and saw her.

She was curled up in a ball, Spenc looked very peaceful in her sleep. I went over to her and pulled the thick blanket on top of her.  I kissed her forehead goodnight. I couldn't help but still think about what had happened to her. She had some pretty bad bruises. I was just getting myself worked up about it again.

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