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                                                                        Spencer's POV 

            "ONE DIRECTION!!!!!!!" He yelled. Who is One Direction? Well, I guess they are famous because everyone flipped the fuck out after he said that. I'm not one to cuss but really, that's all they did. 

       I looked at Jade and she was just sitting there smiling like she knew something I didn't.

"Jade what's up with you?" I asked her.

"Well, uh, I kinda know them. My friends boyfriend is in their band.And my brother is in it too." Jade answered. Just then a girl our age walked over.

"Hey Lindsey!" Jade said as she hugged her.   

"Spencer, this is Lindsey, Lindsey Spencer." We hugged and then sat down. We talked while the concert was going on. I found out that Lindsey was dating Liam, which is the one with the Bieber hair in One Direction. I felt myself attracted to the one in the stripe shirt. I wasn't sure what their names were, just Liam's.

       While we were talking I kept getting more text from whoever it was just like the other ones. I kept texting Kev and told him I was going to be longer than expected because Jade and Lin wanted me to meet 1D. He agreed but said I have to be back at 8:00 PM at the latest.

                                                                     Harry's POV  (Styles) :D

       I looked over to where Linny sat and saw her with my sister, and a very hot cute girl. I'm so fucking her tonight! Throughout the concert I kept glancing at them but it was pointless because they were consumed in whatever they were talking about. Whenever they did look up the sexy girl looked towards Lou not me. Ugh..

                                                                           Nathan's POV

       When Kev told us why Spenc was staying out longer my heart basically was none existent. I looked at Jay seeing that he felt the same. Damn. I don't wanna lose Spenc to Harry Styles or something!!! I know he is gonna flirt with her! Or she might fall in love with one of them or something. Like Niall! Everyone loves Niall! SHIT!!! I need to calm down. She already has her band friends and that is us. NOT One Direction.

                                                                        Spencer's POV

        After talking to Linny for a bit I decided that I could trust her just as much as Jade. I told her my story. I left out the part of me with The Wanted when I told Jade cause I didn't want her to freak so I added it this time.  Jade told me to watch out for her brother, which was Harry. I think he is the one with the sex hair.

------------------------------------- CONCERT OVER BACKSTAGE WITH 1D---------------------------------------

        Turns out that they were all pretty nice guys with weird things about each of them. Liam didn't like spoons. Harry was a cat fanatic. Niall fancies food. Louis acted like a child. And Zayn was cocky in the best way possible.  Jade told me she likes Zayn but Harry will get pissed if she dates anyone in the band. I liked Lou, not as much as Nath though. I talked about my Nath and Jay issues with Linny because she is good with relationship stuff and she told me that It seems like I like Nathan and just feel pity for Jay since I don't like him the way he likes me.  I'm going with her advice for the time being which is to not acknowledge their flirting to much and just settle my family issues before I date anyone. Wise right!? 

       I traded my number with Lou and I noticed how he put his contact. <3 LOUIS <3

Only Lou... Lol. Harry insisted on driving me home so I let him and Lou came with. They didn't know about me living with The Wanted and stuff. I probably should have told them. Eh, too late now.

                        When we got to my house Nath and Max were on the porch drinking beers and laughing at something. I hopped out of the car and Lou and Harry got out too. They both hugged me but Harry kissed my neck while he hugged me. :P Horny much? Lou slapped him after he noticed and I started lauging. They got in the car and drove off.

   "Hey Spenc!!!" Nathan said as he hugged me. He was slightly drunk. It was pretty amusing on him though. I walked inside with Max and Nath behind me to see that Jay was texting and Tom was sleeping on the floor. Siva was probably in his room. 

Jay threw me over his shoulder as he said "Babe, I missed you!!!! I hope 1D didn't flirt with ya too much!"

"Just Harry." Nathan joined the convo after that. "What did he do? Did you have sex with him?" Nathan slurred. He was very drunk at this point.

"No! I don't like him like that." I said.

"Ah I see, so who is ur fav in 1D??" Jay asked me.

"Lou!" I shouted.

"He rubbed off on you didn't he?" Jay asked referring to my burst of hyper activity.

"Lil bit."

       I went into my room and took a shower and put PJ's on. I walked into Siva's room and threw my phone on his bed since he was in the bathroom.

"Hello SEEVA!" I said shouting/stretching out his name.

"Hey Spenc! He called out from the bathroom.

He came and lay-ed down with me on his bed. Just then my phone went off. I was hoping it was Louis rather than my dad. But, with my luck, that's not happening. Unfortunately for me my phone was in between Seev and I as well. This was the worst one yet.

Your friends are sexy, yet your by far the best. I hope the boy in the stripes doesn't get his way with you before me. HAHA! No, your heart is set for G boy, not for much longer though.

I guess Seev read it over my shoulder cause he said "Spencer! How long have you been getting these texts? Who sent them? Why didn't you tell anyone? What do they mean boy in stripes? Who is G boy?" \

"SIVA! Slow down.. OKay so I have been getting them since I left earlier today. I hung out with 1D after their concert. He is talking about Lou. G boy is Nathan. And I made friends with this girl Jade and Lindsey. Jade is Harry's sister and Lindsey is Liam's girlfriend. " I said slowly so he could take it all in.

"Okay. We need to tell Big Kev." Siva started pulling out his phone to call Big Kev. I snatched it from him and ran out of his room and downstairs.

"SPENCER GIVE IT BACK! WE NEED TO CALL KEV!" Siva shouted at me from the top of the stairs.

"No! You don't understand! He is gonna hurt Jay and Nath!!!" Nathan and Jay walked toward me after I said that.

"What? Who will hurt us?" They both asked. Then Siva got downstairs and said "She has been getting stalked all day and she didn't tell anyone. She has been getting texts from her dad or his friends so I was going to call Big Kev and ask him to track down the number."

"You've been stalked all day and you didn't tell me?" Nathan asked looking hurt. He was not drunk anymore but still buzzed.

"I'm sorry!" I said to the three of them. Siva had my phone in his hand when I got another text.

Seeing how much you all care about her is so sweet. NOT. I won't hurt/kill anyone if you give Spencer to me. Now, Seev hand the phone to Spenc.

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