Phone Calls with Daddy

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                                                                               Siva's POV

       After that text I handed the phone back to Spencer. I was freaked out knowing that someone is watching us and listening to our conversation. A couple minutes of us standing there astonished  and not talking Spencer's phone went off. But, this time it wasn't a text. It was her ring tone which is Golden by us.

                                                                           Spencer's POV

        I was just about to answer the phone when a hand grabbed it from me. Nathan.

"Hello, we aren't giving you Spencer. She is a person not a thing. You don't own her. " Then he handed me the phone. I put it up to my ear to hear the voice I haven't heard in years, my dad's.

"Hey baby girl. I told the Gangster boy to hand you the phone, it's nice to see that he listened. I know how protective the boys are of you and I don't want to mess with them as long as they don't get in my way of getting you." Why does my dad want me in the first place? Good time to ask. I felt awkward knowing that all the guys were in the room, and would hear me but whatever.

"Dad, why do you want me anyway?"

"I don't want you I need something from you babe. You are very sexy. You have nice shiny tan legs. A cute little face. Perfect tits and a hot ass." I felt myself getting sick inside, I kept talking though.

"Point?" I asked trying not to sound sassy.

"You're a virgin aren't you?" I heard him ask. I could hear him take a sip of something. Probably whiskey.

"Uh... yes why are you asking?" Did he really want to do his own dauhter?! Nath came over and ripped the phone from my hand. He covered the speaker part and whispered in my ear so whoever was watching us couldn't hear "What did he ask you?"

I whispered back what he asked. Nathan's teeth were clenched as he said "Okay." 

He started talking to my dad "Why would you say that to YOUR OWN DAUGHTER?" Way to make what we were whispering about obvious Nath! Oh, that boy. He hung up after another two minutes of ranting at my dad and we all sat on the couch wondering what was happening.  

       We decided to get a private investigator to find my dad and arrest him for harassment before he took action to his words. They would also get more security and I should have a guard around me when I go outside of the house.  We decided to all hit the hay.

                                                                          NEXT DAY

      Lindsey and Jade called me and said they wanted to hang out. I told them all the drama and that I would need a guard around me. They said they already had two to protect them from the crazed fans. I got ready and waited for them to get here since the guys left to fix up some of the security stuff. I feel really bad and I kept telling Nath I can just move out and they wouldn't have to deal with my insane family but he said he likes me too much to do that. Well whatever floats his goat. 

       When they got here I noticed that Harry, Louis, and Liam tagged along. Yay! We all went to the movies and saw the Katy Perry movie. I sat in-between Harry and Louis, after that we went to lunch and Jade told me I should tell the guys about my drama so they don't get confused about anything. I did. I am satisfied with myself at this point because I can easily tell people without breaking down, like the way I did when I told Nathan.

       Harry was flirting with me during the movie but stopped at lunch. Thank god. I decided that I didn't like like Lou I just liked him as a best friend kind of way. He acted like a brother whenever Harry decided to be cheeky towards me though. We went to a park and Lindsey and Liam were off in their own world most of the time laughing at who knows what so Jade and Harry hung out so he wouldn't annoy me. Lou and I were running around and trying to climb up the slide with shoes on. Very difficult may I add.  It was almost 5 and I knew the boys got home at 3:30 so I told them I should get home so the guys don't flip a bitch. They all agreed and the 1D lads had a concert the next day so they had to get to sleep early anyway.

       Jade was gonna stay with me at my house since Lindsey was all wrapped up with Liam. She is like Jay in MANY ways. She loves Avatar not as much as him but she still love it. She loves snakes, where as he loves lizards. She dressed.. um awkward? Like him. This will get one thing off my to do list! They will fall for each other and then I won't feel pity for Jay anymore.

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