Telling the Guys

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                                                                        Spencer's POV

        When we were at the mall Nath and Jay were being very flirty with me. I don't understand why though. It was pretty embarrassing when Jessica thought I was just a kid. I know almost for sure that Jay nor Nathan like me the way I like them after that. I wonder if they just think I'm child cute or if they actually like me. I like like both of them. I don't know what to do about it. Especially when they're both flirting with me at the same time. It is very confusing. I noticed that they weren't being all lovey dovey as usual with their bromance junk.

         Well, I have more troubles on my hands than Nath and Jay right now. I saw two of my dad's gang members while we were at the mall. One of them hit me in the stomach with a bat, so that's why I started crying. I feel bad about the boys trying to protect me though. If they get hurt because of me I won't be able to forgive myself. I know I have only known them for two days, but I already love them all. When we were driving home Jay said that himself and all the other boys love me. I know it's only brotherly love though. Or I think so, I am confused after the flirt attack from Jay and Nath. I promised myself to not cry while I explained everything to them.

       Before we went to the mall I covered my bruises and scars with some makeup that I kept when Nath found me, that way Jay wouldn't question me or anything. 

       When we got home I went into the guest room where the boys put my clothes that they bought for me when I was trying stuff on. I noticed that I now owned 7 snap backs. That was definitely Nathans doing. I got dressed and brushed some of my new makeup on my bruises. Jay told me I don't need makeup, but Nathan knew why I wanted it so he convinced Jay to let me get it without throwing a hissy fit.

       After I was done I went downstairs and I saw the boys gather around on the couch and floor talking about something.  They all had serious faces on.  I went and sat on the floor in front of Jay's knees, my back facing him. Nathan nodded towards me to tell the boys that I came down. They all looked at me and I am assuming that Nath told them that I had to tell them something important. That's when I started. 

       When I got to the part about the bat Jay, Nath, and Tom tensed up. I knew Tom would get mad cause he has anger issues. I figured Nathan got a little mad cause I didn't tell him about that. I have no clue why Jay did.

      Once I finished  I was proud of myself for not breaking down and I felt relived and not feeling like I was lying to them anymore, even though I never did. They told me I could stay with them and that they won't let me get hurt on their watch. We all decided to have early dinner and then watch Family Guy. I had never watched it before since I haven't had a tv in years.  When we did I only watched MTV because Derek loved that channel.

       Maybe everything will be okay. I won't get hurt anymore. Not with Max, Siva, Jay, Tom and Nathan around me.

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