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                                                                         Nathan's POV

       "Ok well when I was 7 my parents got divorced. Before then everything was perfect. My mom's name was Jennifer and my dad's name is Ron. I have a big brother, his name is Derek. He was 15 when they got divorced so he was able to leave the house when they would fight. The fights were terrible. Sometimes, they would say how Derek and I made them drift apart. Once they were divorced my dad got custody of me and my brother. My mom said she wanted to start a new life, without us. Derek moved out when my dad started drinking, he was 17 I was 9. He lost his job and I had to start selling our stuff when I was 13 because we ran out of money from my college fund," Tears started falling out of Spencer's eyes and I wipped them away with my finger.  I can't believe this had happened to her when she was so young. She started again,

       "After almost everything we had was gone he deceided to join a gang. They told him they could help get money. He started doing the drugs he was selling. One day, he came back with 3 of the gang members and they were all high. They attacked me." She had tears pouring out of her eyes like waterfalls at this point. I hugged her and she continued," They beat me up, once they all past out I went upstairs, packed my stuff. I didn't have much though so it was light, which was good in this case. I threw my bag out my window and ran. I was only 15, then so I didn't know where to go. I figured my dad's gang was going to try to find me so I bought a train ticket and went from Nottingham to London. Turns out, by the time I got to London one of the gang members had already followed me. I found a hotel and he followed me. He tricked the guy at the desk into telling him what room I was in. He came in punched me and I blacked out," I was really angry at this point. Why would someone hurt Spencer? She is so innocent! If I ever saw this guy he would wake up under water. I kept hugging her and telling her she didn't have to go on. I wanted to hear it, I just didn't want to see her in pain.

       "When I woke up there was a note. It said I can never run from them. I always will have to watch my back.  Last night, when you saw me come out of the alley, I saw them again they attacked me. I have been on the run for 3 years now. They always find me. Last night was the first time I saw them in months. Last night was different though. He told me my dad was coming. I don't know what that means!" She was a bundle of saddness and fear at this point. I really wanted to kill her dad! Why the fuck would he hurt her so badly?!!? I love her! If he comes back, he is gonna regret it!

"Spencer, I will protect you. Where have you been staying?" I asked hoping not to hit another nerve.

"In a hotel room in south London." She was wipping her eyes from all the tears.

       Just then Jay walked into the room.

"Hey guys we were gonna go get some fo-" He stopped when he saw Spencer's tears. He didn't say anything else and just hugged her. She smiled. At least someone could make her happy again.

"So food?" Spenc joked slighty.

"Ha, yeah. We were thinking Nandos?" Jay replied nervously.

"Yeah that would be great!" I said. I felt kind of left out of their convo ya know?

       I handed Spencer one of my shirts realizing that she was still in the bloody one. We can always go shopping after Nandos, right?

"Thank you Nath. No ones ever been this nice to me."

"It's no problem. I uh- really like you."

"I like you too, you're a great friend." She kissed my cheek and I let her change. She came down a couple minutes later. We all got in the car and headed to Nandos. Nothing can go bad now right? I was so wrong about that. If I knew what wa going to happen I wouldn't have gone to Nandos, or taken Spencer there anyway.


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